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# two of the oddest...
Number one....Shared a house with a 'hygenically challenged' Irish guy who used to walk 5 miles to and from work every day, but only showered once a week. Stank so bad I swear he was sweating Mace through his pores, it used to make your eyes water when he walked in the room. His little foibles included stealing food, not paying the rent and leaving the dirty dishes in the back garden for the rain to wash. He also had a nice habit of disposing of fish and chip wrappers, half eaten pies, crisp packets etc behind the sofa. Which we found after we told him to leave.

Number two...a rather dippy housemate, who had the short term memory of a rather thick goldfish which wasn't helped by heavy pot-smoking. Favourite tricks were to start cooking stuff, forget about it and then leave the house for a night out. How the house didn't go up like a Terraced Towering Inferno I will never know. Another favourite trick was to losing the front door key, but then to leave the front door open when she went out so she could get back in. Yes, we were burgled. Twice.
(, Mon 17 Nov 2003, 17:15, archived)