was the g/f of a friend on my course at uni. We moved in together, all happy as Larry at the start. They had the double bedroom, I had the single. It was just the three of us.
Then it began. Here are some of the rules I had to stick by to ensure a harmonious relationship.
1) She had final say over whether or not the telly was on. Even if she wasn't needing the living room for anything else. Blokey programmes like Top Gear were a dead no no. She didn't like it so I wasn't allowed to watch it.
2) If she wanted a cup of tea she could ask me to make one. Even if I didn't want one myself. Of course this rule did not apply in reverse.
3) I wasn't allowed to pace up and down when using the phone.
4) We all take turns cooking for each other in the evenings. However I had to help them cook when it was their turn.
5) I couldn't have old school friends stay over even if her b/f was cool about it, because she didn't know them.
These are just the ones I remember. Contravention of any of the above resulted in a screaming toddler fit.
In essence she was a control freak and her b/f was a spineless cretin. Of course our friendship did not survive this and I can only hope they're still together just so that they don't inflict their misery on anyone else.
BTW how do you tell a mate that in dating terms he's first division/premier league so WTF is he doing with a girl from vauxhall conference? Really she was the worst.
Oh and I forgot, she tried to swap their bedroom for the living room because she wanted more space. I still want to slap her now.
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 18:48,
Then it began. Here are some of the rules I had to stick by to ensure a harmonious relationship.
1) She had final say over whether or not the telly was on. Even if she wasn't needing the living room for anything else. Blokey programmes like Top Gear were a dead no no. She didn't like it so I wasn't allowed to watch it.
2) If she wanted a cup of tea she could ask me to make one. Even if I didn't want one myself. Of course this rule did not apply in reverse.
3) I wasn't allowed to pace up and down when using the phone.
4) We all take turns cooking for each other in the evenings. However I had to help them cook when it was their turn.
5) I couldn't have old school friends stay over even if her b/f was cool about it, because she didn't know them.
These are just the ones I remember. Contravention of any of the above resulted in a screaming toddler fit.
In essence she was a control freak and her b/f was a spineless cretin. Of course our friendship did not survive this and I can only hope they're still together just so that they don't inflict their misery on anyone else.
BTW how do you tell a mate that in dating terms he's first division/premier league so WTF is he doing with a girl from vauxhall conference? Really she was the worst.
Oh and I forgot, she tried to swap their bedroom for the living room because she wanted more space. I still want to slap her now.