right, where to start....
usual run of the mill annoying stuff: he hadn't played a games console before moving in with me...he now cant stop (8hrs straight is his record without so much as a toilet or eating break - 24hr coverage has not yet commenced) - but he doesnt like playing multiplayer games...so watching him struggle at games is the order of the day; he rarely washes up; he cleans anything even less...
slightly more annoying stuff: he leaves his used cutlery + plates on the floor (in a doorway) in the sitting room - always a pleasant wet foot surprise!; he consumes one type of food at a time...today's example being orange juice - 3 cartons gone in a day and a half....before moving onto another form of sustainance - usually eggs or cheese
very annoying stuff: drinks far too much at parties (but hey, i (cant) hear you cry, we're students)...well...too much for this chap leads to sexual 'harrasment' on any good looking ladies in the vaccinity, until we're asked to 'take him home' by a boyfriend who realises it is not a joke. On the way home he may (has) become violent, once biting a good friend (biting - like a shark, not nibbling), bringing her to tears and leaving indentations for a good 3 weeks afterwards...
+ he plays the violin. aaaaaargh!
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 22:39,
usual run of the mill annoying stuff: he hadn't played a games console before moving in with me...he now cant stop (8hrs straight is his record without so much as a toilet or eating break - 24hr coverage has not yet commenced) - but he doesnt like playing multiplayer games...so watching him struggle at games is the order of the day; he rarely washes up; he cleans anything even less...
slightly more annoying stuff: he leaves his used cutlery + plates on the floor (in a doorway) in the sitting room - always a pleasant wet foot surprise!; he consumes one type of food at a time...today's example being orange juice - 3 cartons gone in a day and a half....before moving onto another form of sustainance - usually eggs or cheese
very annoying stuff: drinks far too much at parties (but hey, i (cant) hear you cry, we're students)...well...too much for this chap leads to sexual 'harrasment' on any good looking ladies in the vaccinity, until we're asked to 'take him home' by a boyfriend who realises it is not a joke. On the way home he may (has) become violent, once biting a good friend (biting - like a shark, not nibbling), bringing her to tears and leaving indentations for a good 3 weeks afterwards...
+ he plays the violin. aaaaaargh!