On the first night of uni I made friends with a top guy who had the luxury of a double room to himself (or so we thought). After about a week we went into his room to find a wierd looking guy sittng on the empty bed. After politely enquiring who monkeys he was, it turned out that it was my mate's room mate, the guy who quitely came in in the early hours of every morning while he was asleep and left before he woke up. The reason we didnt know anyone else lived there was because he had no stuff.. literally no stuff! except for a few clothes and packets of crisps that he kept in his (locked) cupboard.
When he was actually in the room, all he would do is sit on his bed and stare at the rest of us. Nobody was allowed near his cupboard and he would eye you suspiciously while he pulled out a packet of wotsits or quavers and quickly lock it again. Any attempt to place yourself near the cupboard would result in him jumping off the bed to protect the contents with a steely look in his eye, once the danger had passed he would resume his staring duties.
Although the guy never actaully did anything, he scared the hell out of us, until one day he left and never came back (or so we thought......)
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 12:28,
When he was actually in the room, all he would do is sit on his bed and stare at the rest of us. Nobody was allowed near his cupboard and he would eye you suspiciously while he pulled out a packet of wotsits or quavers and quickly lock it again. Any attempt to place yourself near the cupboard would result in him jumping off the bed to protect the contents with a steely look in his eye, once the danger had passed he would resume his staring duties.
Although the guy never actaully did anything, he scared the hell out of us, until one day he left and never came back (or so we thought......)

I lived with a weirdo in my first year at warwick ....
Top annoyances :
Smelt , v bad .. would empty the common room just by entering it.
His room had nothing in it , at all - he tried to look cool by saying this was the 'minimalist' look.
Always wore the same leather (!) trousers and reservoir dogs T-shirt... I mean why ?
Would sit outside of all the girls rooms in our halls singing love songs to them while they told him to get lost.
Got thrown out of his house in the second year by spiking a housemate's drink with acid ( who was a very straight laced christian type ).
Got thrown out of halls in his final year by cooking hash cakes and giving one to a law student without telling him what it was - does this guy just not learn!!
Always went on and on about doing acid in an effort to look cool - which always failed.
Did a Maths degree and would go on and on about Maths subjects in a 'wacky' way - loser.
Reckoned he was the brightest person in his year but left with a 2:2.
About 2 Months after I finsihed Uni , he got my number from a mutual 'friend' and called me up. He said he was coming down to stay for a bit and wondered if he could stop over at mine. Naturally , I hung up on him and kept a low profile for the next few weeks to avoid meeting him - easy enough since you could smell him coming from a mile off.
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 12:58,
Top annoyances :
Smelt , v bad .. would empty the common room just by entering it.
His room had nothing in it , at all - he tried to look cool by saying this was the 'minimalist' look.
Always wore the same leather (!) trousers and reservoir dogs T-shirt... I mean why ?
Would sit outside of all the girls rooms in our halls singing love songs to them while they told him to get lost.
Got thrown out of his house in the second year by spiking a housemate's drink with acid ( who was a very straight laced christian type ).
Got thrown out of halls in his final year by cooking hash cakes and giving one to a law student without telling him what it was - does this guy just not learn!!
Always went on and on about doing acid in an effort to look cool - which always failed.
Did a Maths degree and would go on and on about Maths subjects in a 'wacky' way - loser.
Reckoned he was the brightest person in his year but left with a 2:2.
About 2 Months after I finsihed Uni , he got my number from a mutual 'friend' and called me up. He said he was coming down to stay for a bit and wondered if he could stop over at mine. Naturally , I hung up on him and kept a low profile for the next few weeks to avoid meeting him - easy enough since you could smell him coming from a mile off.