Had a flatmate named Adam who was so clueless he didn't know how to use a microwave- his first attempt was heating up a can of dinty moore stew- y'know the ones with the tin lid you peel back and remove before you nuke 'em... Well, he didn't. And after the dang thing exploded in the oven and made a huuuuge mess, he screamed 'HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!?!?!?' That's when I showed him the plastic lid of the can, which has three simple one-sentence instuctions, with diagrams- Step one being 'Pull back the metal lid and discard.'...
Anyway, he announced that he wasn't going to stay the summer and was moving out- I pointed out the at the lease was for a year, and would he be leaving the last three months of rent with me or finding a sub-leasee? He grumbled and accused me of tricking him into signing a the lease without making clear that 'One Year' means 'twelve months' and not 'Whenever suits Adam'.
So that night at the pub he meets up with a guy who's new in town and needs a place for a few months. Adam tells him he can have his room and seals the deal. His name was Lin.
Lin was a moody, violent schizophrenic with a vicious dog who was dicharged from the US army after serving time in Leavenworth for dealing large amounts of Hash. The three months were frightening and interesting, mostly frightening. At the end of the Lease, I started pushing Lin to start moving his stuff out of the house, as I had to return up north the day after the lease was gone, and I wanted a day to clean out and get my deposit back. He moved a lot of his stuff out, but there was a large pile in his room on the last day- he promised to come back that night and get the last load with a friend who had a truck. I cleaned every room in the house except his. I never saw him, so I locked up, shut off the water and power, and returned home- figureing Lin would be back the next day to get his stuff. I got a call from the Realator THREE days later saying that she had stopped by every day and that Lin was still living there! She had a policeman go around and get him to leave. When she went in the house, his bed was brought back into MY room, his dog had crapped in Chris's room a few times, there was take-away boxes strewn on the floor of the kitchen along with crumpled beer cans, and THREE days worth of human waste stacked in the toilet, since he couldn't flush it with the water off. I didn't get my deposit back.
About a year later, one of my friends who had met Lin maybe three times said Lin came up to him at a club and tried to reminisce about times they didn't share, and how great pals they were... then it came out- Lin was searching for character witnesses to speak on his behalf at his upcoming Child Molestation court trial in a few days- His Ex-wife had brought charges against him over their DAUGHTER! Dave gave him a fake phone number and stayed outta sight for two weeks!
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 16:39,
Anyway, he announced that he wasn't going to stay the summer and was moving out- I pointed out the at the lease was for a year, and would he be leaving the last three months of rent with me or finding a sub-leasee? He grumbled and accused me of tricking him into signing a the lease without making clear that 'One Year' means 'twelve months' and not 'Whenever suits Adam'.
So that night at the pub he meets up with a guy who's new in town and needs a place for a few months. Adam tells him he can have his room and seals the deal. His name was Lin.
Lin was a moody, violent schizophrenic with a vicious dog who was dicharged from the US army after serving time in Leavenworth for dealing large amounts of Hash. The three months were frightening and interesting, mostly frightening. At the end of the Lease, I started pushing Lin to start moving his stuff out of the house, as I had to return up north the day after the lease was gone, and I wanted a day to clean out and get my deposit back. He moved a lot of his stuff out, but there was a large pile in his room on the last day- he promised to come back that night and get the last load with a friend who had a truck. I cleaned every room in the house except his. I never saw him, so I locked up, shut off the water and power, and returned home- figureing Lin would be back the next day to get his stuff. I got a call from the Realator THREE days later saying that she had stopped by every day and that Lin was still living there! She had a policeman go around and get him to leave. When she went in the house, his bed was brought back into MY room, his dog had crapped in Chris's room a few times, there was take-away boxes strewn on the floor of the kitchen along with crumpled beer cans, and THREE days worth of human waste stacked in the toilet, since he couldn't flush it with the water off. I didn't get my deposit back.
About a year later, one of my friends who had met Lin maybe three times said Lin came up to him at a club and tried to reminisce about times they didn't share, and how great pals they were... then it came out- Lin was searching for character witnesses to speak on his behalf at his upcoming Child Molestation court trial in a few days- His Ex-wife had brought charges against him over their DAUGHTER! Dave gave him a fake phone number and stayed outta sight for two weeks!