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# brush
Me and my uni mate were living in a 3 bedroom house and #3 moved out after 2 months. We couldn't afford all the rent so were forced to invite the uni laughing stock to take the room because we were so desperate. This was the guy that would always turn up late for lectures and the entire lecture hall would whisper in unison 'happy baby orangutan happy baby orangutan happy baby orangutan happy baby orangutan...'.

There were so many reasons to hate him. One day we got pissed off with him never buying any bog roll but didn't want to confront him about it either. We just let the last roll run down to its natural end (keeping our own supply in our rooms of course). He was out getting pissed when the final square was used up and we chuckled to ourselves as to his possible problem when he got back from the pub. When I woke up the next morning, the kitchen roll had disappeared and so had the bog brush! Nobody said anything, but after a week or so the bog brush reappeared... Fair enough with the kitchen roll, but the BOG BRUSH?? I try not to think about it, but the thought still disturbs me to this day.

Another day he decided to to brew his own beer using one of those brew bag things where you just add water. Unfortunately he forgot about it and it burst and went all over the landing. Half brewed yeasty beer smell throughout the house... hmmm...

One day his family came over to visit. All as weird as he was so I kept in my room. Later in the day I realised there had been no sound in the rest of the house for ages so thought they must have gone home. Knocked on his door, about to ask if they had gone. Door opened and the whole family was sat on his single bed, deadly quiet, all staring at me. Ran away back to my room and locked the door. Totally freaked me out.
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 1:20, archived)