Was it one of my old housemates?
Myself aside, I managed to live with a whole host of people, who if not actually weird, managed to do funny things:
Chris: religious goody two shoes, however, he still managed to get so drunk one night, he woke up and took the 'journey' to the toilet (but the one that related to his parents' home) and was found peeing in his wardrobe!
Dave: psycho from Hull (yes that should be a 'u') who frequently turned the heating off in winter months and went away for days on end having locked his door - where the heating controls were. Did not wash his baking tray for 12 months because the fat 'helped flavour the next meal'. Got us fined by the landlord because his carpet had turned black with grime and dirt, and lack of hoovering - he explained that when carpets get wet they attract dust and turn black. And to cap it off he fancied one of my female friends and sent her a silk scarf for valentine's day - ah, who said romance isn't dead?
I could go on but I'll save it for another day!
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 17:31,
Myself aside, I managed to live with a whole host of people, who if not actually weird, managed to do funny things:
Chris: religious goody two shoes, however, he still managed to get so drunk one night, he woke up and took the 'journey' to the toilet (but the one that related to his parents' home) and was found peeing in his wardrobe!
Dave: psycho from Hull (yes that should be a 'u') who frequently turned the heating off in winter months and went away for days on end having locked his door - where the heating controls were. Did not wash his baking tray for 12 months because the fat 'helped flavour the next meal'. Got us fined by the landlord because his carpet had turned black with grime and dirt, and lack of hoovering - he explained that when carpets get wet they attract dust and turn black. And to cap it off he fancied one of my female friends and sent her a silk scarf for valentine's day - ah, who said romance isn't dead?
I could go on but I'll save it for another day!

at art college. My roommate used to return from college, covered head to foot in charcoal dust, from a hard days shading in and go to bed still in coat and boots. Tidying up one day a couple of us found a dirty plate, knife, fork and spoon stuck to the duvet with dried beans from last week. He also had the unsettling habit of exposing himself behind the back of the person you were in serious conversation with. Later admitted to us that he’d had ‘complete’ romantic encounters with his dog – a jack Russell. Poor dog was terrified of him. The girl in the room upstairs was stranger though. She’d had a near death experience from too much hallucinogen and crept around whispering under her breath. Once she went white as a sheet in mid conversation, relaxing only when the leopard she’d seen walk through the café had left. She failed her driving test because of swerving to miss the imaginary cats and dogs.
However, all of this was manageable compared to my sister’s housemate who had a breakdown and a baby at the same time (not good in a shared house). She kept her placenta on a plate in the shared fridge until she could get round to eating it. Had to have a huge argument to get it in the bin after a week. Sorry for length -rich vein.
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 18:15,
However, all of this was manageable compared to my sister’s housemate who had a breakdown and a baby at the same time (not good in a shared house). She kept her placenta on a plate in the shared fridge until she could get round to eating it. Had to have a huge argument to get it in the bin after a week. Sorry for length -rich vein.