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# I lived in Glasgow once...
Where I stayed with a plethora of nutters. When I first moved there my flat mates where a great couple who I got on with fantastically but when they moved out it all went the way of the pear.
The next guy who moved in was a bit of an alchy who liked to piss into bottles & left 20 of them when he moved out.
Then the next guy broke into my room & stole my computer, my stereo & all my CD’s (which I was pissed off at the most) but for some reason left my playstation.
So I moved out of that flat & in with a mad speed head who actually turned out to be a really nice guy but had a habit of bringing all sorts of waifs & strays home including a deaf girl he found in a phone box (???), a sex mad ex prostitute & a homeless guy who just wanted a shower (took a long time to get rid of smell from the bathroom) anyway he eventually ran away after running up a £50 speed bill he couldn’t pay to the pimp/drug dealer across the road, not wanting to get caught up in the fall out I moved out.
Straight into a house with an ensuite crazy rangers fan complete with red hand of Ulster & UVF slogans painted over his walls & a sawn off shotgun under his bed.
I ran & never looked back since. I’ll never live in Glasgow again.

(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 14:53, archived)
# "plethora of nutters"
Weren't they a 1970s experimental Jazz/Rock combo?
(, Fri 21 Nov 2003, 13:10, archived)