well some tricks will work on a stoner that won't work on an ordinary member of the human race. For example- covering his doorway with newspaper. Every day for a week. Also, setting water-bomb traps for whenever he opended his door. And soaping the lino corridor to turn it into a skate rink. There was also a dor halfway along the corridor that stoner boy had to pass through when he went to leave his pipe-clogging hairs in the shower. So we'd lock it and sit in the kitchen watching TV for an hour or two, whilst he just whined in his yellow bathrobe.
Now these pranks wouldn't be so grat if they were played on a normal person, but they're worth it just to watch the reactions of a stoner boy. Like when he rips through the newspaper barrier over his door like the Incredible Hulk and then collapses into the giggles. Or when you throw water bombs at him, so he goes to the shop and gets some to avenge, but you go out on the piss for the night and find him asleep in the kitchen with a cache of fully loaded water bombs (guess what happens next....)
Ahhh..... sometimes I wonder if I wasted my life. And then I wonder what I'd be like if I was Stoner Boy. Ha Ha Ha...
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Fri 21 Nov 2003, 23:36,
Now these pranks wouldn't be so grat if they were played on a normal person, but they're worth it just to watch the reactions of a stoner boy. Like when he rips through the newspaper barrier over his door like the Incredible Hulk and then collapses into the giggles. Or when you throw water bombs at him, so he goes to the shop and gets some to avenge, but you go out on the piss for the night and find him asleep in the kitchen with a cache of fully loaded water bombs (guess what happens next....)
Ahhh..... sometimes I wonder if I wasted my life. And then I wonder what I'd be like if I was Stoner Boy. Ha Ha Ha...