OK, while my tale of personal hell has nothing on some of the other posts, my current flatmate (who we will call Gollum) has an extremely unpleasent habbit of clearing his throat and spitting whenever he goes to the loo... alas, it's not just a *cough* type throat clear. Every time I hear the bog flush, it's immediately followed by HKWAAACGK pukey plhegm sound. Every fucking time! You can hear it anywhere in the house, even over the TV... unfortunately, whenever anyone flushes the loo, I can't help but cringe. He's also not too bright, like the time he left all the kitchen windows open and the lights on at the height of bug & moth season... when I came back from work and pointed out the five hundred or so bugs on the ceiling and walls, he just said 'cor. I didn't see those ones' and went to bed... but not before squashing a few of them against the wall. Took me over an hour to get all the little buggers out of the house. Grr cranberry!
aah.. I feel much better for getting that off my chest... HKWAAACGK
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:15,
aah.. I feel much better for getting that off my chest... HKWAAACGK