He's fine. They fed him, and they never got another chance to do him harm. He's upstairs now having a kip.
Bruce and Dick atually had a hamster. I should have called the RSPCA after I saw the way Bruce treated that poor little bugger. He used to fly him around the room (the way a six-year-old would fly an action figure, if you follow) and lob him around. Accourding to Bruce, the hamster enjoyed this. Amusingly, he kpet breaking out of his cage and making a run for the front door. Sadly they kept finding him and locking him up again. How demoralising.
On one occasion Bruce dangled the hamster over his coffee cup, gentle taunting 'Ooh, I'm going to drop you, I'm going to drop you...' The next thing I hear is the campset shriek I've ever heard, followed by sobbing.
Yep. He dropped the hamster.
Luckily he was fine, and managed to successfully escape a few months later. Bruce was inconsolable. I was pissing myself laughing.
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 22:19,
Bruce and Dick atually had a hamster. I should have called the RSPCA after I saw the way Bruce treated that poor little bugger. He used to fly him around the room (the way a six-year-old would fly an action figure, if you follow) and lob him around. Accourding to Bruce, the hamster enjoyed this. Amusingly, he kpet breaking out of his cage and making a run for the front door. Sadly they kept finding him and locking him up again. How demoralising.
On one occasion Bruce dangled the hamster over his coffee cup, gentle taunting 'Ooh, I'm going to drop you, I'm going to drop you...' The next thing I hear is the campset shriek I've ever heard, followed by sobbing.
Yep. He dropped the hamster.
Luckily he was fine, and managed to successfully escape a few months later. Bruce was inconsolable. I was pissing myself laughing.