I had a flat mate while up in uni at stafford...we called him gerry after the famous IRA front man..as he had a stupid beard, the kid you get from neve shaving as a boy.he was late 20's and never left his room, apart from he would go to the shops armed with a suitcase, and come back with it full of beans and weetabix, as that was all he lived on.he smelled funny and spent his whole time on the computer doing low level programming. One way, with my friends i bought up the idea of killing him off so as to get his room , joking obviously. he dissapeared for two weeks, and i was worried my slighty unstable friend had actually done it. It turned out it had a mental breeakdown due to all the grief we gave him (setting fire to his door, music at moderate volumes etc.)..he's either earning a fortune, or hes living with his mum now....
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Sat 22 Nov 2003, 1:20,