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# I sent a mail askin Joel that, and got this in response, ty once again Joel ;)
For the Blode one ( www.rathergood.com/blode/ ) the music is taken
from 3 different mixes of a track
called 'I can't stop raving' - look for dj liquid, dj spykez, Dune. You
should be able to find
them on audiogalaxy i would have thought.

And it's Rammstein for a bit, with Feuer Frei, while the hitler crab is

In Blode 2 ( www.rathergood.com/blode2/ ), it's Aphrodite - Bomber
mainly, with Jega- Intron.ix when the bad guys come in. The centipede song
is by me. At the end, if you can be bothered to watch it for another couple
of minutes, it goes into Jega - Pitbull which is a fantastic tune.

For the Frightened Boy one ( www.rathergood.com/vid/ ) The tunes
were: Cossack Patrol by Ivan Rebroff, Tanz Br Derchen by
Hyperactive and Version by DMX Krew.
(, Sat 22 Sep 2001, 21:10, archived)