your only pointing at a forest that u recognize as one free of human food growing, one that has been terraformed.
Agricultural cultures are NOT sustainable, it require CONSTANT growth and expansion,, this is the reason it does not work, we can not expand and grow forever .. something we do not have the ability to do on a little round planet.
Your asuming that mankind HAD to start farming, we didnt, check the story of Cain and Able, when we started it...
Europe would be infinitely beter off if things were allowed to grow and move freely about...
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 15:19,
Agricultural cultures are NOT sustainable, it require CONSTANT growth and expansion,, this is the reason it does not work, we can not expand and grow forever .. something we do not have the ability to do on a little round planet.
Your asuming that mankind HAD to start farming, we didnt, check the story of Cain and Able, when we started it...
Europe would be infinitely beter off if things were allowed to grow and move freely about...