When that's funny,
I will stand on top of the loch ness monster as we fly in Elvis's UFO around the edge of the Universe with a walrus singing auld lang syne.
Londingham .,
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 19:45,
Are we on about the piccy or the Link??
Come on guys just had a gruller of a day and I'm completly borked
Wook13 Been away but is now ducking a fuck on,
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 19:46,
The pic
and sorry, I just felt like flaming someone
Londingham .,
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 19:47,
I did the pic in REsponse to the news
My missus is a person of non avaregae height (EG A DWARF) and she is more offended that some PC Twunts have saw to it to change the name of one of her fave films.
Wook13 Been away but is now ducking a fuck on,
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 19:49,