This Week:
* CHALLENGE - make us an Xmas card
* PHILOSOPHY - stamped on kitten's faces
* PIERS MORGAN - most hated man on twitter. Fact.
________ ____ __ ___
____/ _)|_ // /_/ _ | "We're filling the
___/ _ |/_ </ __/ __ | collective unconsciousness
__/____/____/\__/_/ |_| with kittens... together"
B3ta email 558 - 7th Dec 2012 - Blue Marble Day
Read this issue after inhaling farts:
Lovers : [email protected]
Shovers : [email protected]
Community Service Variety Show (live)
Just some hard-working Guys trying to cope with
the new economic world order. The top telly hit
is now coming to London in May in a stage show
and dance routine*
*We think Dirty Burger in Kentish Town is named
in their honour and to be honest this is the
only reason why it has gone in the newsletter.
>> Kitten based philosophy <<
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1890) originated the
Übermensch - a kind of remote control for Louise
Mensch. Now he's back and this time with more
kittens, @Erocdrahs informs us: "I made an
automated tumblr which adds Nietzsche quotes to
pictures of cats." All we can say is "Dog is
dead, and we have killed him."
>> Piers Morgan's Mob Trumps <<
Monkeon writes, "Basically, Top Trumps using
the swearing of Twitter hate mobs as data to
prove that Piers Morgan is the most loathed
person on Twitter." He is! He is! How exciting
for our opinions to be on trend for once.
>> Underwater Ballroom <<
Davideo writes, "This isn't my usual thing but
it blew me away when I heard about it: a
Victorian likeable rogue used investors' money to
build himself a lavish pad including an
underwater ballroom / billiard room, which took
600 men to dig out. I just had to see and
photograph it but, as it's not open to the public,
we had to do it Urbex style." Oh the follies
of the rich. Oh to be rich and make such folly.
>> Cliff Richards V Slipknot <<
Pig Face Turnip writes, "Cliff Richards has had
a make over. Made with fellow B3ta man
pibennett." In a better world this would be
Xmas number 1.
No Self-Awareness
Last week we wanted stories of life's dreamers,
drifters and armpitty stink farmers who just
don't seem to notice their impact on others. Go
read how Frank Snow lost his job here:
* SUSHI - "Back when I was a lazy uni student,
I'd pass the day pleasantly stoned and go get
take-away sushi for lunch. The restaurant was in
a food court in a nearby shopping centre. That
day, in front of the counter were a man in a
tuxedo and a woman in a black cocktail dress.
They were a very beautiful couple with big
smiles. I stood next to them trying to order.
The owner was standing off to the side and,
instead of coming over, he started signaling for
me to come to him, a look of fear on his face.
Ignoring this, I stayed put and yelled that
I'd like the nigiri special. He gave me a funny
look but started to prepare it which, in
hindsight, showed a certain business acumen. I
looked at the couple who were now staring at me
and gave them a friendly smile. There was
something strange about them I couldn't quite
put my finger on, something too perfect and not
quite real. I waited while the owner put
together my sushi, took my money and handed me
the bag. It was only then that I turned
around... and noticed the semi-circle of film
crew, cameras, sound technicians and two really
bright studio lights focused on the couple. Totally
oblivious, I'd walked into a live advertising
shoot and ordered sushi. And the owner had sold
it to me." (cumquat may)
* TONSURE - "Our MD was single for many years
until 2010, when he hit his 50s, lost three
stone and started making an effort to see more
of the world, especially lady parts. He met a
woman who he now lives with. Unfortunately
he's regained the weight and a little more,
developed a perfectly circular bald patch,
allowed his new beau to cut the rest of his
hair, dyed the grey out and has taken part in
Movember. No-one has the heart to tell him that
he looks like a gay paedophile monk." (Munsta)
* SPACE - "I used to know a guy who, although
quite a nice chap had no sense of personal
space. Chatting to him at a party once, I found
myself backing away as he stood closer and
closer to me. Once I reached the wall I was
trapped; he actually stood so close to me I
didn't have room to drink from the glass I was
holding." (Professor Kenny Martin)
>> This Week - MADE ME LAUGH <<
Has anything happened recently that's made you
laugh? We need cheering up, share the joy here:
KLF: Chaos Magic Music Money
Most pop biographies are a dull patchwork of
clippings - this is something else - taking in
the ideas of Jung, Robert Anton Wilson and Alan
Moore, it explores the extraordinary world of
Bill Drummond the man who burnt a million quid in
an act more relevant than ever. "We didn't use
our money to make a comment on art - but our art
to make a comment on money." Read it now, then
burn a lottery ticket whilst listening to Shag
Times and wondering what ideas you are
contributing to the collective unconsciousness.
Stuff we like that wasn't made by our mates
>> Tom Waits Nyan Cat <<
It's Tom Waits' birthday today - he's 63 - and
what better way to celebrate than with a Nyan Cat
style animation? Also an accurate reproduction of
Tom's visions after a night swallowing his own
>> Missed high fives <<
The glorious piquancy of someone going for a
high five and it just not happening. Not a
problem for us, as our preferred method of
greeting is the cock punch. Even with children.
>> Wearable Hummingbird Feeder <<
Celebrate the legalisation of marijuana in
Washington not with the mind-shrinking
suggestions of the local PD - watch Lord of the
Rings and eat pizza - but instead by getting
stoned and engaging in one of the most intense
experiences imaginable: asking a hummingbird to
feed from your face.
>> Food mosh <<
Compression artefacts are the new shorthand for
reality breaking. When will the first movie be
made where the lead notices visual glitches in
real life and uses them to break through the
programming to find out about the world that
created this one?
>> The ACME product catalogue <<
Screencaps of those peculiar products so beloved
by baddies in Warner Bros cartoons. We can't
help but feel there are still a few missing
>> HTTP Status Rappers <<
Great URL, nice use of illustrative rappers.
Noisy Animated GIFS that don't loop
* LEGEND OF DIGITAL ZELDA - better stop motion
than we can do.
* PIKACHU ON ACID - just remember kids, if you
are going to take psychedelics make sure you get
with nature and don't go to McDonalds or
something crap.
* CHEERFUL BLOKE SINGS SONG - unkmari writes
"I've flagged up stuff by this guy before and he
keeps on coming up with fab and unique vids for
his really catchy songs. Latest is all about
London (and can't get more topical???) with lots
of cheeky references and he has animated it all
himself, totally nutty - surely worth a plug and
he really deserves it..."
Shit your pants game
Benjamin Turquier writes, "Dear Magic Donkey,
please accept this 'you pooped your pants at
work and have to escape' flash game." The Donkey
accepts the offering and brays.
Results from the Real Life Movie Poster
Last week we wanted you to recreate
famous movie posters using nothing more
than real life
Your favourites included:
* ENORMOUS: gigantic moustachioed towel-
headed man/lady trashes fancy apartment
* SPY: iconic Bond image rendered via the
medium of fancy tux and bog roll tube
* RUN: classic movie fleeing aided by
balloon whisk and wooden spoons
All these images, and the highest as voted by
you can be found here:
>> New challenge: Christmas Cards <<
Make some Christmas cards - nice, nasty,
whatever you think - just design some
stuff you think would be fun to send.
Then print them out, and actually send
Make something cool and tell us about it. If
you are in it then people will see your stuff.
Things we'd really like to see include
* PRINTABLE KINDLE BOOKS - might sound dumb but
increasingly quirky and interesting books are
skipping print and going straight to Kindle.
Fine for us but some people refuse to read
eBooks. Can we have a print button please? Post
them off to Lulu etc.
* PR TAX IDEA - companies that DO pay tax could
start printing a breakdown on their products.
"This coffee is x% tax, x% profit x% wages x%
production" etc.
* CYBER-LINES - at school we'd be disciplined
with lines. Why not a web version for netiquette
errors? 50 times x "I shall not RT praise" for
you sunshine. And no cut and paste.
Send contributions via the mail form.
BTW: If you've sent something in that hasn't
been featured then don't be put off - we look
at everything you send us.
CTRL C: [email protected]
CTRL X: [email protected]
This issue was written by Simon le Bon with Nick
Beggs from Kajagoogoo. Stuff sent in by David
Sylvian, Toyah, the bloke with hair in his eyes
from Flock of Seagulls, Jez (still throwing off
his mental chains) and Tony Hadley (although one
of the Kemps told him what to say and he's still
bitter about it), also @unclewilco, Mr
Eraserhead, @olivia_solon and @achrismiller.
Image challenge by Fraser Lewry. Mike Trinder is
QOTW bloke. Top tips via A Vagabond.
You spin me right round, baby right round, like
an Ogg Vorbis high quality digital multimedia
file baby, right round round round.
Distract the masses from the stinking pool of
stagnant, open nepotism within the ruling elite
by forcing Kate Middleton to announce her
pregnancy early.
BTW the person who sent in this tip? "Pep
yourself up in secret by writing supportive
messages on your own Facebook wall, while
setting viewing permissions to 'Only Me.' Nobody
else will ever know, but you'll see it in your
feed." You made us sad reading that.