Profile for King Ralph:
I'm old, gimme gimme gimme!
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I'm old, gimme gimme gimme!
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Barred
During my time at university...
I got barred from a pub in Surbiton for mistaking the beer cellar for the toilet. Twice.
That was also the night I fell off a wall and cracked my head on the pavement, got hit by a bus then broke into the local shopping centre and fell asleep on a bench.
(Sat 2nd Sep 2006, 9:55, More)
During my time at university...
I got barred from a pub in Surbiton for mistaking the beer cellar for the toilet. Twice.
That was also the night I fell off a wall and cracked my head on the pavement, got hit by a bus then broke into the local shopping centre and fell asleep on a bench.
(Sat 2nd Sep 2006, 9:55, More)
» You're a moviestar baby
I've been in the audience for Kilroy...
they bussed us over from Uni (we're only a few miles from where it was filmed) and we proceeded to eat and drink all of the hospitality despite the fact that it was supposed to be for the guests, not the audience! We also kept pratting about in the green room.
Once it got to filming one of my friends got asked a question by Kilroy on the spur of the moment... heh, the crap he came out with made us laugh like hell!
Umm, yeah... I'm quite clearly in the background.
Oh and in real life Kilroy is even more orange, self-centred, obnoxious, etc etc. than he is on telly!
(Thu 11th Nov 2004, 13:01, More)
I've been in the audience for Kilroy...
they bussed us over from Uni (we're only a few miles from where it was filmed) and we proceeded to eat and drink all of the hospitality despite the fact that it was supposed to be for the guests, not the audience! We also kept pratting about in the green room.
Once it got to filming one of my friends got asked a question by Kilroy on the spur of the moment... heh, the crap he came out with made us laugh like hell!
Umm, yeah... I'm quite clearly in the background.
Oh and in real life Kilroy is even more orange, self-centred, obnoxious, etc etc. than he is on telly!
(Thu 11th Nov 2004, 13:01, More)
» Darwin Awards
Don't Run By The Pool
Pah, thought I, it'll be fine...
I ran. I slipped.
My head hit first.
Luckily my momentum lead to me landing in the water, otherwise I would have been typing this with a head dobber.
(Mon 16th Feb 2009, 18:46, More)
Don't Run By The Pool
Pah, thought I, it'll be fine...
I ran. I slipped.
My head hit first.
Luckily my momentum lead to me landing in the water, otherwise I would have been typing this with a head dobber.
(Mon 16th Feb 2009, 18:46, More)