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» Local Nutters
Oxford Norman Cook fan
Waiting for the bus in Oxford 2 weeks ago, I heard "fat boy slim is fucking in heaven, fucking in fucking in fucking in heaven"...first real quiet, and then real loud. The culprit turned out to be a 60 year old woman wearing a grubby floral print skirt and a grubby blouse from which hung her enormous flabby belly, and, as she gyrated up and down, her flabby grey breasts peeked into view. This turned out to be the only FatBoy Slim song she knew, and indeed the only verse of it, as she repeated it endlessly up and down the road, and was still doing it when I got on the bus.
The bus didn't come for 30 minutes.
(Fri 17th Sep 2004, 16:59, More)
Oxford Norman Cook fan
Waiting for the bus in Oxford 2 weeks ago, I heard "fat boy slim is fucking in heaven, fucking in fucking in fucking in heaven"...first real quiet, and then real loud. The culprit turned out to be a 60 year old woman wearing a grubby floral print skirt and a grubby blouse from which hung her enormous flabby belly, and, as she gyrated up and down, her flabby grey breasts peeked into view. This turned out to be the only FatBoy Slim song she knew, and indeed the only verse of it, as she repeated it endlessly up and down the road, and was still doing it when I got on the bus.
The bus didn't come for 30 minutes.
(Fri 17th Sep 2004, 16:59, More)