b3ta.com user editorialgirl
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ยป Look! It's me in the Local Paper

"drug induced fantasies"
A "friend" who writes for a local paper asked if she could interview me about my synaesthesia, "to fill a bit of space".

I said I'd be happy to help out. She knows what synaesthesia is and she knows it really isn't that weird, so I wasn't worried.

"It'll probably go in the health section" she said. I was expecting a small paragraph, somewhere near the back.

I was wrong.

EDIT: yes, magictorch, it is a free paper (I've never seen it sold anywhere) - which means it was delivered to every house in my street, every house in my parents' street, every house in all of my friends' streets, every house in all of my work colleagues' streets ... well, you get the idea.
(Wed 16th Feb 2005, 14:21, More)