Profile for MartinH:
Come from the Midlunds
Live on a boat
Don't like fish
hollowaymartin at
Obligatory band website -
My nephew found a friend called Mr Pecky
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Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 23 years, 1 month and 25 days
- has posted 1340 messages on the main board
- (of which 56 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 10 messages on the talk board
- has posted 511 messages on the links board
- (including 114 links)
- has posted 23 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 421 pictures, 148 links, 0 talk posts, and 2 qotw answers.
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Come from the Midlunds
Live on a boat
Don't like fish
hollowaymartin at
Obligatory band website -
My nephew found a friend called Mr Pecky

Recent front page messages:
Right, that's it, he's going back to the shop. I told you we should have chosen the cute ginger one.

(Thu 13th Nov 2003, 11:57, More)

(Thu 13th Nov 2003, 11:57, More)
They'd met at the waterhole, realized they had so much in common, and became best friends

(Wed 17th Sep 2003, 0:21, More)

(Wed 17th Sep 2003, 0:21, More)
I should have stuck with Desktop Richie and Desktop Motty, but I had to go and download Desktop Tony Martin

(Tue 9th Sep 2003, 17:35, More)

(Tue 9th Sep 2003, 17:35, More)
I just received this in an email - I'm pretty sure it's not photoshopped
apparently it's the biggest prawn ever

(Tue 8th Jul 2003, 12:18, More)
apparently it's the biggest prawn ever

(Tue 8th Jul 2003, 12:18, More)
Oi, Frankie you ponce!
Unless that money's here by Friday, you're gonna be swimming with the penguins!

(Sun 20th Apr 2003, 13:37, More)
Unless that money's here by Friday, you're gonna be swimming with the penguins!

(Sun 20th Apr 2003, 13:37, More)
Yes, that was very good son, now put it all away, mum's got the tea ready.

(Tue 25th Mar 2003, 11:48, More)

(Tue 25th Mar 2003, 11:48, More)
As british troops strike over their lousy pay rise
The firemen ready their 'Red Duchesses' for the Gulf

(Sat 8th Feb 2003, 13:46, More)
The firemen ready their 'Red Duchesses' for the Gulf

(Sat 8th Feb 2003, 13:46, More)
Mr Jones, we have reason to believe that you are using the internet for non work-related activities

(Tue 14th Jan 2003, 0:07, More)

(Tue 14th Jan 2003, 0:07, More)
The boredom and sexual frustration on the space station
sometimes got to John

(Fri 10th May 2002, 15:57, More)
sometimes got to John

(Fri 10th May 2002, 15:57, More)
Send em all back I say, wasn't like that under Maggie, that Glenn Roeder's done a good job, had that Sooty in my cab the other day ....

(Mon 6th May 2002, 9:30, More)
Send em all back I say, wasn't like that under Maggie, that Glenn Roeder's done a good job, had that Sooty in my cab the other day ....

(Mon 6th May 2002, 9:30, More)
My imaginary friend
is a beatific Dog who watches over us all

Even those what's trod in dog shit.
(Wed 17th Apr 2002, 14:57, More)
is a beatific Dog who watches over us all

Even those what's trod in dog shit.
(Wed 17th Apr 2002, 14:57, More)
Apparently, b3ta does go back a long way
To the first ever historical record of orking, found in Lascaux

(Sun 7th Apr 2002, 1:36, More)
To the first ever historical record of orking, found in Lascaux

(Sun 7th Apr 2002, 1:36, More)
Fishbear's dog is such an attention seeker
Typical dog really

ps No more, I promise, Fishbear
(Wed 3rd Apr 2002, 3:04, More)
Typical dog really

ps No more, I promise, Fishbear
(Wed 3rd Apr 2002, 3:04, More)
Puffin Air are going up
against easycoot at the budget end of the comedy bird airline market.

(Wed 27th Mar 2002, 2:22, More)
against easycoot at the budget end of the comedy bird airline market.

(Wed 27th Mar 2002, 2:22, More)
My wallpaper is now

'Nuff 'spec to people who can really draw!
(Tue 26th Mar 2002, 3:44, More)
My wallpaper is now

'Nuff 'spec to people who can really draw!
(Tue 26th Mar 2002, 3:44, More)
Furtive reckoned he'd got away with the Lloyds money
But he hadn't reckoned on AquaDog

Thanks to PickledPizza for AquaDog
(Tue 19th Mar 2002, 8:55, More)
But he hadn't reckoned on AquaDog

Thanks to PickledPizza for AquaDog
(Tue 19th Mar 2002, 8:55, More)
The Collins-Baker-Collina Bipigwolf

I haven't slept since I saw this. (Unusual for a Friday afternoon)
(Fri 1st Mar 2002, 9:25, More)

I haven't slept since I saw this. (Unusual for a Friday afternoon)
(Fri 1st Mar 2002, 9:25, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Have you ever paid for sex?
I was walking along the front on Copacabana beach (as you do)
when a not unattractive lady of the night, came up to me asking if I was interested. Suddenly she grabbed my nuts, laughed and then walked off.
I laughed too, but a bit further on, I suddenly realized that she'd pickpocketed 3 quid from my trousers when she grabbed my nuts.
But I then realized that many people would pay more than 3 quid to have their nuts grabbed.
(Thu 19th Jan 2006, 16:11, More)
I was walking along the front on Copacabana beach (as you do)
when a not unattractive lady of the night, came up to me asking if I was interested. Suddenly she grabbed my nuts, laughed and then walked off.
I laughed too, but a bit further on, I suddenly realized that she'd pickpocketed 3 quid from my trousers when she grabbed my nuts.
But I then realized that many people would pay more than 3 quid to have their nuts grabbed.
(Thu 19th Jan 2006, 16:11, More)
» Jobsworths
When they first brought in £10 fines for not having the right ticket on the underground
they sent out leaflets which explained the rules - and one rule I read said that if you have a travelcard, but go out of zone, you can pay the excess when you arrive.
So when I arrived out of zone, the more than rotund official said
Him - "£10 fine for you, sonny"
Me - "No, the rule is that you can pay the excess when you arrive"
Him - " I work for London Underground, not you, you'll do what I say"
Me - "Fetch the manager"
Him - "No, you'll pay the fine"
Me - "Fetch the manager" - fetches manager
Manager (even more rotund) - "You'll pay that £10 fine, and you shouldn't argue with officials"
Me - " Fetch a book of rules, I'll show you"
Manager - "We haven't got any, they're at another station"
Me - "Well, go and get one"
Manager sends spoddy trainee on tube to another station while we glare at each other, he returns with book of rules - I show him the rule that backs me up.
Manager - "Well, just this once, I've decided to let you off the fine and just pay the excess, but don't ever do that again"
Both go off (and have comfort chips I assume)
(Thu 12th May 2005, 22:51, More)
When they first brought in £10 fines for not having the right ticket on the underground
they sent out leaflets which explained the rules - and one rule I read said that if you have a travelcard, but go out of zone, you can pay the excess when you arrive.
So when I arrived out of zone, the more than rotund official said
Him - "£10 fine for you, sonny"
Me - "No, the rule is that you can pay the excess when you arrive"
Him - " I work for London Underground, not you, you'll do what I say"
Me - "Fetch the manager"
Him - "No, you'll pay the fine"
Me - "Fetch the manager" - fetches manager
Manager (even more rotund) - "You'll pay that £10 fine, and you shouldn't argue with officials"
Me - " Fetch a book of rules, I'll show you"
Manager - "We haven't got any, they're at another station"
Me - "Well, go and get one"
Manager sends spoddy trainee on tube to another station while we glare at each other, he returns with book of rules - I show him the rule that backs me up.
Manager - "Well, just this once, I've decided to let you off the fine and just pay the excess, but don't ever do that again"
Both go off (and have comfort chips I assume)
(Thu 12th May 2005, 22:51, More)
» How I Skive Off Work
When I worked at the East Midlands Airport restaurant
'emptying the bins' was a three hour operation, which involved seven of us taking turns to do handbrake turns and wheel spins in the restaurant's transit van down a runway service road.
The actual placing of the bin bag into the skip was then carried out with great ceremony and reverence.
(Wed 27th Apr 2005, 17:26, More)
When I worked at the East Midlands Airport restaurant
'emptying the bins' was a three hour operation, which involved seven of us taking turns to do handbrake turns and wheel spins in the restaurant's transit van down a runway service road.
The actual placing of the bin bag into the skip was then carried out with great ceremony and reverence.
(Wed 27th Apr 2005, 17:26, More)
» In the Army Now - The joy of the Armed Forces
A guy at my school
stole a bullet from the cadet force and spent the whole afternoon sitting under the school stage threatening to hit it with a hammer and kill himself.
(Fri 24th Mar 2006, 12:11, More)
A guy at my school
stole a bullet from the cadet force and spent the whole afternoon sitting under the school stage threatening to hit it with a hammer and kill himself.
(Fri 24th Mar 2006, 12:11, More)
» It was a great holiday, but...
Whilst playing frisbee in front of an appreciative gathering
outside the Sofia Palace of Culture in Bulgaria, I hooked a shot into one of its 12ft by 8ft smoked glass windows and broke it.
My friend and I ran away and jumped onto the nearest bus, which was pursued through traffic by a police Lada. We jumped off and hid/got very drunk in a bar.
I hereby apologize to all Bulgarians, because you're all really nice.
A week later, with the same frisbee, my friend hit a 70 year old lady follower of the prophet Petradanov in the back of the head very hard. Luckily she forgave him.
Two days later, the s-bend fell off a toilet midflush, flooding the ancient Sveti Naum Monastery in Macedonia, and so we legged it into the relative safety of Albania.
(Thu 21st Apr 2005, 14:31, More)
Whilst playing frisbee in front of an appreciative gathering
outside the Sofia Palace of Culture in Bulgaria, I hooked a shot into one of its 12ft by 8ft smoked glass windows and broke it.
My friend and I ran away and jumped onto the nearest bus, which was pursued through traffic by a police Lada. We jumped off and hid/got very drunk in a bar.
I hereby apologize to all Bulgarians, because you're all really nice.
A week later, with the same frisbee, my friend hit a 70 year old lady follower of the prophet Petradanov in the back of the head very hard. Luckily she forgave him.
Two days later, the s-bend fell off a toilet midflush, flooding the ancient Sveti Naum Monastery in Macedonia, and so we legged it into the relative safety of Albania.
(Thu 21st Apr 2005, 14:31, More)