b3ta.com user angeluk666
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» Dad Jokes

When driving down country roads
in the dark my dad always says 'this is where the pixies mugged Noddy'

I thought that was really funny when I was 7, but somehow I've found that the joke has worn a little thin.
(Thu 11th Dec 2003, 13:06, More)

» Dad Jokes

the scary thing is about all these
is that i've found that i've started making the same jokes. I'm neither a dad or male...

My father-in-law always makes the same joke at christmas, he sits at the head of the table and says in a really solemn voice 'we are gathered here today to celebrate this special day of *Cliffmas'

* Cliffmas - a reference to Cliff Richard who ineverably releases a christmas single every year in a cynical attempt to exploit the christmas market.
(Thu 11th Dec 2003, 13:21, More)

» Dad Jokes

my dad always says
"It only seems like yesterday when me and your mum were married....

What a bloody awful day yesterday was..."

Its never been funny, but he repeats it at every opportunity possible.
(Wed 10th Dec 2003, 16:32, More)