b3ta.com user mstar
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» Where is the strangest place you have slept?

I blame cider
After a particularly good bender I thought it wise to walk the 45 minutes it took to get home since I couldn't afford a cab. I made it to the street where I lived where I thought it might be a good idea to sit down by the road side and have one last cigarette (house mate was a complete nazi about smoking).

I woke up the next morning to the disgusted looks of people walking their kiddies to school. The two cars I recall being on either side of me where gone.

Another 10 feet closer to the house and I could have truthfully said I slept in the gutter.

Had a sore neck/back/arm for a few days but it was worth it to see those children's faces.
(Fri 29th Dec 2006, 20:29, More)