Profile for Sunshine Elephant:

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Sunshine Pictorum
let's all be friends
Huge thanks to slight for hosting and running my gallery.
If you want to use any of my things e-mail me, it'll probably be ok.
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 21 years, 11 months and 15 days
- has posted 43789 messages on the main board
- (of which 99 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 91 messages on the talk board
- has posted 48 messages on the links board
- (including 3 links)
- has posted 29 stories and 1 replies on question of the week
- They liked 731 pictures, 27 links, 4 talk posts, and 14 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Why not visit the...
Sunshine Pictorum
let's all be friends
Huge thanks to slight for hosting and running my gallery.
If you want to use any of my things e-mail me, it'll probably be ok.
Recent front page messages:
it wasn't a success of a school play...

bless 'em, it's their first production since the 2004 fiasco
(Thu 1st Nov 2007, 14:54, More)

bless 'em, it's their first production since the 2004 fiasco
(Thu 1st Nov 2007, 14:54, More)
following problems with keith harris, orville calls the voice of experience to help him out

or if there's problems with the as there have been a bit try clicking here
(Mon 8th Nov 2004, 21:22, More)

or if there's problems with the as there have been a bit try clicking here
(Mon 8th Nov 2004, 21:22, More)
our new hero...

also, while i'm on the fp, try the queen simulator
(Mon 12th Jul 2004, 17:34, More)

also, while i'm on the fp, try the queen simulator
(Mon 12th Jul 2004, 17:34, More)
an animalia look at biology

hmm...was cunningly tricky to make this was
(Sun 4th Apr 2004, 16:20, More)

hmm...was cunningly tricky to make this was
(Sun 4th Apr 2004, 16:20, More)
just a quick anim to surpass boredom
dancing, dancing with mr t...

now back to being bored...
(Sat 3rd Apr 2004, 17:31, More)
dancing, dancing with mr t...

now back to being bored...
(Sat 3rd Apr 2004, 17:31, More)
so unlucky, his next christmas present was a stairlift

(Thu 4th Mar 2004, 22:26, More)

(Thu 4th Mar 2004, 22:26, More)
for many years, master bow wow trained the poodle to become the ultimate fighter, to beat the mighty bark master, now he was ready, to fulfill his destiny... to become... the ninja poodle of doom.

(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 23:54, More)

(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 23:54, More)
there's trouble a-brewing...

this is where to go if you don't 'get it'
(Tue 4th Nov 2003, 0:22, More)

this is where to go if you don't 'get it'
(Tue 4th Nov 2003, 0:22, More)
diabolo conejo!

ow ow ow! no me gusta!
egads!, 'twas a lot trickier to make than i thought!
(Thu 30th Oct 2003, 19:34, More)

ow ow ow! no me gusta!
egads!, 'twas a lot trickier to make than i thought!
(Thu 30th Oct 2003, 19:34, More)
not only 100% proof of aliens, but the facts that lay underneath a tortoise shell

(Fri 24th Oct 2003, 18:35, More)

(Fri 24th Oct 2003, 18:35, More)
they say dolphins are the most intelligent animals, but another wrong prescription from dr snorky seemed to suggest otherwise

(Sat 20th Sep 2003, 22:49, More)

(Sat 20th Sep 2003, 22:49, More)
no.3 - the hen that could not fly

previous two:
(Sat 12th Jul 2003, 16:56, More)

previous two:
(Sat 12th Jul 2003, 16:56, More)

(the spelling mistakes are deliberate to help create a feeling of youth and naivety)
(Tue 8th Jul 2003, 12:57, More)

(the spelling mistakes are deliberate to help create a feeling of youth and naivety)
(Tue 8th Jul 2003, 12:57, More)
as far as jobs went, this one was andrew's most painful

more freaks:
(Sun 6th Jul 2003, 12:08, More)

more freaks:
(Sun 6th Jul 2003, 12:08, More)
time for a series
might be the worst series of all time, but it's something
(Mon 30th Jun 2003, 19:20, More)

(Mon 30th Jun 2003, 19:20, More)

[edit] thank you magic donkey (or rob), we were starting to think you were dead
(Sat 31st May 2003, 11:24, More)

[edit] thank you magic donkey (or rob), we were starting to think you were dead
(Sat 31st May 2003, 11:24, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Look! It's me in the Local Paper
those funny nutbars down at the sunday sport nicked my picture

we rang them up and they agreed to send me £20 which never arrived.
(Thu 10th Feb 2005, 16:59, More)
those funny nutbars down at the sunday sport nicked my picture

we rang them up and they agreed to send me £20 which never arrived.
(Thu 10th Feb 2005, 16:59, More)
» Dad Jokes
on a serious note, away from the idea of having sex with tortoises,
my dad and mum had a bit of a tiff once on holiday, anyway that night we went to some gay restaurant and my mum ordered the fish.
My dad joked 'make sure it's dead, like her heart'
my mum walked home.
my dad went after her.
they probably had sex that night because they were all fine the next day
(Wed 10th Dec 2003, 3:19, More)
on a serious note, away from the idea of having sex with tortoises,
my dad and mum had a bit of a tiff once on holiday, anyway that night we went to some gay restaurant and my mum ordered the fish.
My dad joked 'make sure it's dead, like her heart'
my mum walked home.
my dad went after her.
they probably had sex that night because they were all fine the next day
(Wed 10th Dec 2003, 3:19, More)
» Pathological Liars
I also once met a man named Yannick through a few friends,
they seemed to be a bit put off by his tall stories.
He got drunk and told us he once shot bear whilst working in the navy (which apparently also is false). I responded with, 'How many men have you killed?' jokingly. At which point he pulled me to one side and whispered in my ear, 'I'm not allowed to answer that'. I still kind of thought he was joking, being slightly unaware of his delusons, and responded 'About 100?'. He looked at me and spoke softly again, 'Nearer 20.'
The next time I saw him the pub I was in was flooding, and the water was dripping through a couple of lightbulb. His friend looking at it commented, 'Need to take them out but I might get electrocuted.'
Yannick stepped in front, looked at the light and scoffed, 'Nah, I've held much more electrical stuff in much wetter conditions.'
This conjured the perfect imaged of him testing toasters and televisions while strapped in a bath tub.
(Thu 29th Nov 2007, 21:35, More)
I also once met a man named Yannick through a few friends,
they seemed to be a bit put off by his tall stories.
He got drunk and told us he once shot bear whilst working in the navy (which apparently also is false). I responded with, 'How many men have you killed?' jokingly. At which point he pulled me to one side and whispered in my ear, 'I'm not allowed to answer that'. I still kind of thought he was joking, being slightly unaware of his delusons, and responded 'About 100?'. He looked at me and spoke softly again, 'Nearer 20.'
The next time I saw him the pub I was in was flooding, and the water was dripping through a couple of lightbulb. His friend looking at it commented, 'Need to take them out but I might get electrocuted.'
Yannick stepped in front, looked at the light and scoffed, 'Nah, I've held much more electrical stuff in much wetter conditions.'
This conjured the perfect imaged of him testing toasters and televisions while strapped in a bath tub.
(Thu 29th Nov 2007, 21:35, More)