Profile for icezebra:
Ahh feck it. Nothing works anymore.
I used to hang around here loads but only pop in once in a while now.
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 21 years, 9 months and 11 days
- has posted 2826 messages on the main board
- (of which 27 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 554 messages on the talk board
- has posted 1 messages on the links board
- has posted 19 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 3 pictures, 1 links, 0 talk posts, and 36 qotw answers.
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Ahh feck it. Nothing works anymore.
I used to hang around here loads but only pop in once in a while now.
Recent front page messages:
hmm, terrorist budget cuts?

Return? no just a one way ticket please.
(Fri 10th Oct 2003, 13:47, More)

Return? no just a one way ticket please.
(Fri 10th Oct 2003, 13:47, More)
it's a new type of weapon!

In a random sorta weird mood today..?
EDIT: Woo, first FP!
(Thu 26th Jun 2003, 13:41, More)

In a random sorta weird mood today..?
EDIT: Woo, first FP!
(Thu 26th Jun 2003, 13:41, More)
Best answers to questions:
» I was drunk when I bought this
Got drunk and bought myself
a 16 month ban from driving.
(Fri 10th Jun 2005, 11:29, More)
Got drunk and bought myself
a 16 month ban from driving.
(Fri 10th Jun 2005, 11:29, More)
» Foot in Mouth Syndrome
Crazy People...
My sister works with mentally disadvantaged people, not severe, but people who hear voices, or cannot interact properly with others.
Anyhow, she's taking a couple of them out to another part of the hospital. They come to a road. A car is coming and one of them started to walk out into the road... My sister grabbed him back saying, "Watch out, Are you mad!"
He looked at her quite calmly and said, "Yes, that's why I'm with you."
She was just a little embarassed...
(Thu 22nd Apr 2004, 15:31, More)
Crazy People...
My sister works with mentally disadvantaged people, not severe, but people who hear voices, or cannot interact properly with others.
Anyhow, she's taking a couple of them out to another part of the hospital. They come to a road. A car is coming and one of them started to walk out into the road... My sister grabbed him back saying, "Watch out, Are you mad!"
He looked at her quite calmly and said, "Yes, that's why I'm with you."
She was just a little embarassed...
(Thu 22nd Apr 2004, 15:31, More)
» Have you ever been dumped in a spectacular way?
I've just dumped my girlfriend of two years..
She chased me for two years, we started going out, and during the next 2 years, she:
Snogged many people behind my back.
Flared up and shouted at me for no reason (like the time I had an interview and she got angry because I'd meet new women??)
Punched me in the face on many occasions
Been rather nasty on many other occasions
Started fights with several of my friends
And the final straw, asking my friend to sleep with her.
I saw the light then, told her that, and I quote:
"You are a filthy whore, who will remain unhappy for the rest of your life if you continue to be the selfish, untrustworthy slut you are. Don't ever contact me."
Ooooh, it felt good.
Although she still says she loves me, and is constantly texting and emailing me behind the back of her new boyfriend. Somehow, I don't think she'll change...
(Fri 18th Jun 2004, 11:28, More)
I've just dumped my girlfriend of two years..
She chased me for two years, we started going out, and during the next 2 years, she:
Snogged many people behind my back.
Flared up and shouted at me for no reason (like the time I had an interview and she got angry because I'd meet new women??)
Punched me in the face on many occasions
Been rather nasty on many other occasions
Started fights with several of my friends
And the final straw, asking my friend to sleep with her.
I saw the light then, told her that, and I quote:
"You are a filthy whore, who will remain unhappy for the rest of your life if you continue to be the selfish, untrustworthy slut you are. Don't ever contact me."
Ooooh, it felt good.
Although she still says she loves me, and is constantly texting and emailing me behind the back of her new boyfriend. Somehow, I don't think she'll change...
(Fri 18th Jun 2004, 11:28, More)
» Breakin' The Law
When I was young and silly...
I used to drive about late at night with all the other pikey wastrels.
One evening bout 1am, I'm following my two mates (in their lowered cars) through the centre of Bristol in my mum's fiesta.
The main shopping street in Bristol has raised speedbumps the same level as the pavement. Being a shopping street the pavements are also quite wide.
So, following them, I keep having to slow down as their lowered cars won't make it up onto the humps and down again easily. The fiesta I was driving however, will fly over them nicely.
Half way up the street I decide to overtake, by going up onto a speed bump and onto the pavement, BEHIND the trees and phoneboxes lining the street.
Grinning inanely, I suddenly realise that my friends are pulling over. Two policemen (man and a woman) are walking down the middle of the road waving torches. Ah.
I'm currently behind a phonebox, on the pavement.
Stopping quickly, I reverse back then drive along the street as normal, pull up and get out.
The police continue talking to my friends. I breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the female copper starts walking over. She says (and I quote verbatim, I will never forget)
"Who's car is this?"
- Mine
"What were you doing driving along the pavement?"
- Oh (At this point, my life has flashed infront of my eyes and I can't say anything else)
"You were being a nob, weren't you?"
- Um, yes. (In an extremely pathetic tone)
She then proceeded to tell me off, and if I ever did it again, she'd throw the book at me. Then she let me go.
She let me go scott-free!
Best thing though, One of my friends driving the other car, got a fine for not wearing a seat-belt!
I've never even contemplated the pavement trick again.
And I never will. : )
(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 15:35, More)
When I was young and silly...
I used to drive about late at night with all the other pikey wastrels.
One evening bout 1am, I'm following my two mates (in their lowered cars) through the centre of Bristol in my mum's fiesta.
The main shopping street in Bristol has raised speedbumps the same level as the pavement. Being a shopping street the pavements are also quite wide.
So, following them, I keep having to slow down as their lowered cars won't make it up onto the humps and down again easily. The fiesta I was driving however, will fly over them nicely.
Half way up the street I decide to overtake, by going up onto a speed bump and onto the pavement, BEHIND the trees and phoneboxes lining the street.
Grinning inanely, I suddenly realise that my friends are pulling over. Two policemen (man and a woman) are walking down the middle of the road waving torches. Ah.
I'm currently behind a phonebox, on the pavement.
Stopping quickly, I reverse back then drive along the street as normal, pull up and get out.
The police continue talking to my friends. I breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the female copper starts walking over. She says (and I quote verbatim, I will never forget)
"Who's car is this?"
- Mine
"What were you doing driving along the pavement?"
- Oh (At this point, my life has flashed infront of my eyes and I can't say anything else)
"You were being a nob, weren't you?"
- Um, yes. (In an extremely pathetic tone)
She then proceeded to tell me off, and if I ever did it again, she'd throw the book at me. Then she let me go.
She let me go scott-free!
Best thing though, One of my friends driving the other car, got a fine for not wearing a seat-belt!
I've never even contemplated the pavement trick again.
And I never will. : )
(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 15:35, More)
» The last thing that made me cry
I was 4, first cinema visit. I haven't watched it since as I know I'll be in floods of tears again (22 years later...)
But, last time? Been a few months, to do with the exgirlfriend. Enough said there. Much happier now!
(Mon 18th Apr 2005, 17:21, More)
I was 4, first cinema visit. I haven't watched it since as I know I'll be in floods of tears again (22 years later...)
But, last time? Been a few months, to do with the exgirlfriend. Enough said there. Much happier now!
(Mon 18th Apr 2005, 17:21, More)