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Recent front page messages:
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» Breakin' The Law
not quite the cops - but taxi driver from hell
approx 4 years ago, attended a fancy dress/bad taste party and got royally wasted on ale & speed!!! won 1st prize for my geek get-up and proceeded to neck the 1 litre bottle of 20/20 (ugh does anyone remember how foul that stuff tasted?) evening over and wasted beyond standing i proceeded to fall into the ditch surrounding the rugby club venue whilst awaiting my taxi. un-deterred by the foul smelling mud/piss/water/shite combination that i had fallen into, when the taxi arrived i jumped right in and he proceeded to take me home......out i got (the wife paid the fare) into the house and straight into the shower....more than a little worse for wear i stumbled and pulled the shower curtain & fixings from the ceiling whilst the wife tried to appease the irate cabbie who had returned to out abode to discuss the payment for valeting his shiny new motor because o had left more than a little deposit on his seats & door trim.........she fended him off, but he vowed to return the next day for his fifty quid!!! day sure enuff he's there and i bullshitted him with some poverty stricken story saying i'd send him a cheque, insanely believing i was really gonna do this he wrote down his name & address and left it at that............months passed.........i'm standing at the bus stop awaiting the monday morning bus to work & the same geezer pulls up & goes mental at me BIG TIME shouting..screaming..and threatening physical violence.........ME well i totally denied being myself, even to the extent of walking over the road and into the house opposite's porch and made like i was going into the house....HIM got back into his motor & fucked off.............TOSSER
(Fri 9th Jan 2004, 13:44, More)
not quite the cops - but taxi driver from hell
approx 4 years ago, attended a fancy dress/bad taste party and got royally wasted on ale & speed!!! won 1st prize for my geek get-up and proceeded to neck the 1 litre bottle of 20/20 (ugh does anyone remember how foul that stuff tasted?) evening over and wasted beyond standing i proceeded to fall into the ditch surrounding the rugby club venue whilst awaiting my taxi. un-deterred by the foul smelling mud/piss/water/shite combination that i had fallen into, when the taxi arrived i jumped right in and he proceeded to take me home......out i got (the wife paid the fare) into the house and straight into the shower....more than a little worse for wear i stumbled and pulled the shower curtain & fixings from the ceiling whilst the wife tried to appease the irate cabbie who had returned to out abode to discuss the payment for valeting his shiny new motor because o had left more than a little deposit on his seats & door trim.........she fended him off, but he vowed to return the next day for his fifty quid!!! day sure enuff he's there and i bullshitted him with some poverty stricken story saying i'd send him a cheque, insanely believing i was really gonna do this he wrote down his name & address and left it at that............months passed.........i'm standing at the bus stop awaiting the monday morning bus to work & the same geezer pulls up & goes mental at me BIG TIME shouting..screaming..and threatening physical violence.........ME well i totally denied being myself, even to the extent of walking over the road and into the house opposite's porch and made like i was going into the house....HIM got back into his motor & fucked off.............TOSSER
(Fri 9th Jan 2004, 13:44, More)