b3ta.com user vinyljunky
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» Have you ever started a fire?

Super Soaker
Do you guys remember this water pistol? Pump action, big reservoir, driving fear into all it was pointed at.

My brother bought one. It was called the "Super Soaker 3000". It had two huge reservoirs and was so heavy you needed to wear a shoulder strap to brandish it, and pump it up for a few minutes. Couple this weapon of youth with a canister of petrol kept stashed for the lawn mower and you have the best bloody flamethrower a kid might wish for. What fun I had... until I had to spend the rest of the day jetwashing "James rules," cruedly written in giant charred writing, off the garage door.

Happy days. Kids - do NOT try this at home.
(Thu 4th Mar 2004, 11:42, More)