b3ta.com user redhaze
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» Out of my depth

year 8 english lesson
one day many years ago (around 7 years now), we were set an english assignment. We were set an assignment where we had to choose a topic and speak about it for 10 minutes to the whole year. Given weeks to plan this and hours of class time ofcourse i ended up with no planning and no idea what we were supposed to be doing. The day came, and i got to what would usually be my lesson to realise that i would actually have to do this (i tried to talk my way out of it but my teacher was big and scarey). I frantically searched for a topic for which i could speak about over 10 minutes. Apon raiding my bag i discovered plenty of paper, books and 2 marmalade sandwhiches. I chose the sandwhiches. To this day i am unsure why. About three minutes into my talking crap about my mum making them and how the marmalade had bits of orange in it -seperated by awkward silences- i ran out of ideas. I sat down (and people laughed..). I had gained popularity and was kept in over lunchbreaks for a week.
(Sat 16th Oct 2004, 20:02, More)