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» Body Mods
burn scar
last wednesday while intoxicated me and some friends decided to see how long we could burn the back of our hands for with a lighter.
It seemed like a good idea at the time and i was well chuffed i won by burning myself for 10 seconds but now im worried about a permanent scar forming.
The blister was so bad while talking to a tramp about white cider on the same night, the half boiled old wreck shouted at me what the fook is up with your hands.
(Sun 3rd Dec 2006, 16:46, More)
burn scar
last wednesday while intoxicated me and some friends decided to see how long we could burn the back of our hands for with a lighter.
It seemed like a good idea at the time and i was well chuffed i won by burning myself for 10 seconds but now im worried about a permanent scar forming.
The blister was so bad while talking to a tramp about white cider on the same night, the half boiled old wreck shouted at me what the fook is up with your hands.
(Sun 3rd Dec 2006, 16:46, More)