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- a member for 23 years, 0 months and 27 days
- has posted 10190 messages on the main board
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- has posted 10 stories and 2 replies on question of the week
- They liked 282 pictures, 66 links, 1 talk posts, and 17 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Nice to know that people are finally getting the message about basic pet safety.

I dunno why, I just like the idea of safe animals. Very sensible.
(Mon 19th Aug 2002, 13:36, More)

I dunno why, I just like the idea of safe animals. Very sensible.
(Mon 19th Aug 2002, 13:36, More)
The lightbulbmoose's antlers are highly prized, which has lead to a dramatic decline in their population.

(Fri 2nd Aug 2002, 10:32, More)

(Fri 2nd Aug 2002, 10:32, More)
Gah. I hate work. Too busy to photoshop anything.

Here's one I made earlier for Smirnoff's birthday card.
(Mon 15th Jul 2002, 18:07, More)

Here's one I made earlier for Smirnoff's birthday card.
(Mon 15th Jul 2002, 18:07, More)
This Richard Whitely Stress Squeezer

took way too long to make, for what it is. Oh well.
(Fri 28th Jun 2002, 12:22, More)

took way too long to make, for what it is. Oh well.
(Fri 28th Jun 2002, 12:22, More)
Right. I'm off for the rest of the week, but I leave you with this.

(Wed 12th Jun 2002, 22:04, More)

(Wed 12th Jun 2002, 22:04, More)
Dali would've loved Photoshop.

I warned you I was off to do silly arty things. I'll stop now. Clicky picky for big, if you're into that kind of thing...
(Fri 7th Jun 2002, 19:56, More)

I warned you I was off to do silly arty things. I'll stop now. Clicky picky for big, if you're into that kind of thing...
(Fri 7th Jun 2002, 19:56, More)
The Royal Legoland Airforce
never stood a chance...

Don't know where this was going really. Thought I'd show you anyway.
(Mon 13th May 2002, 17:57, More)
never stood a chance...

Don't know where this was going really. Thought I'd show you anyway.
(Mon 13th May 2002, 17:57, More)
Mornin' all.

The second installment in a series on anigifs representing womble-hangover-pain.
Woo! for parties. Boo! for hangovers.
(Sat 20th Apr 2002, 9:50, More)

The second installment in a series on anigifs representing womble-hangover-pain.
Woo! for parties. Boo! for hangovers.
(Sat 20th Apr 2002, 9:50, More)
Here's an animated moomin for y'all:

I made him for a Flash thing I'm making, but I liked him so much I made him into a gif for you. Be nice to him.
(Fri 19th Apr 2002, 10:56, More)

I made him for a Flash thing I'm making, but I liked him so much I made him into a gif for you. Be nice to him.
(Fri 19th Apr 2002, 10:56, More)
I made this.

But Dr. Phil came up with the idea. She said that he looked like he should be throwing a pot or something.
I thought it was a nice idea.
(Mon 15th Apr 2002, 19:10, More)

But Dr. Phil came up with the idea. She said that he looked like he should be throwing a pot or something.
I thought it was a nice idea.
(Mon 15th Apr 2002, 19:10, More)

Last night I drank:
1 x Pint Spanish Lager.
2 x Pint Staropramen.
1 x double Grants whiskey.
That's not a heavy night is it?
Why do I feel like death at 3.20pm then?
(Sat 13th Apr 2002, 14:25, More)

Last night I drank:
1 x Pint Spanish Lager.
2 x Pint Staropramen.
1 x double Grants whiskey.
That's not a heavy night is it?
Why do I feel like death at 3.20pm then?
(Sat 13th Apr 2002, 14:25, More)
Aaaargh! Wasps...
You there?
I made you a testcard. For your gallery.

Hope nobody did it already...
(Thu 11th Apr 2002, 21:45, More)
You there?
I made you a testcard. For your gallery.

Hope nobody did it already...
(Thu 11th Apr 2002, 21:45, More)
Previously unseen footage...

Funny Marvin The Martian .WAV wot I liked...
(Thu 11th Apr 2002, 15:30, More)

Funny Marvin The Martian .WAV wot I liked...
(Thu 11th Apr 2002, 15:30, More)
No one's here
but I don't care. I'll probably repost it later.
This fucker deserves it:

(Sun 7th Apr 2002, 1:15, More)
but I don't care. I'll probably repost it later.
This fucker deserves it:

(Sun 7th Apr 2002, 1:15, More)
Mornin' all. Sorry about the size...

If they promoted an Allah version for the Muslim markets as well I reckon we could have world peace by 2009...
(Tue 2nd Apr 2002, 3:36, More)

If they promoted an Allah version for the Muslim markets as well I reckon we could have world peace by 2009...
(Tue 2nd Apr 2002, 3:36, More)
So very, very bored...

rehosted from 01/08/2012
(Mon 25th Mar 2002, 4:31, More)

rehosted from 01/08/2012
(Mon 25th Mar 2002, 4:31, More)

This is my first attempt at Photoshoppin'. It's for your zoo. Hope it works...
(Fri 1st Mar 2002, 8:56, More)

This is my first attempt at Photoshoppin'. It's for your zoo. Hope it works...
(Fri 1st Mar 2002, 8:56, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Worst Record Ever
American Pie, by Don McLean
I used to DJ at one of our university's students-get-pissed-and-cop-off nights. The regulars always requested it, about ten times a night, and we always had to play it. It was the night's No.1 cheezy anthem.
The tone-deaf morons who usually swayed around whilst it was playing, in big "besht-mate" circles, occasionally got a little rowdy. On the last night I played it out, one of these drunken gangs bounced onto the lovely beer stained drapes, and pulled the suspended ceiling down, light fittings and all, on everybody's heads.
No-one died, but it was a close thing.
It's a godawful song, maybe not quite as bad, in absolute terms, as "Lady in Red", but then no-one ever threatened to hit me for not playing Chris De Burgh. I gave up being a DJ after university. And no I haven't got any fucking ABBA.
(Tue 2nd Dec 2003, 19:55, More)
American Pie, by Don McLean
I used to DJ at one of our university's students-get-pissed-and-cop-off nights. The regulars always requested it, about ten times a night, and we always had to play it. It was the night's No.1 cheezy anthem.
The tone-deaf morons who usually swayed around whilst it was playing, in big "besht-mate" circles, occasionally got a little rowdy. On the last night I played it out, one of these drunken gangs bounced onto the lovely beer stained drapes, and pulled the suspended ceiling down, light fittings and all, on everybody's heads.
No-one died, but it was a close thing.
It's a godawful song, maybe not quite as bad, in absolute terms, as "Lady in Red", but then no-one ever threatened to hit me for not playing Chris De Burgh. I gave up being a DJ after university. And no I haven't got any fucking ABBA.
(Tue 2nd Dec 2003, 19:55, More)
» School Trips
Food poisoning.
On our second year high-school French trip the entire party of about 100 or so kids and teachers got food poisoning, full-on vomiting everywhere, raging diarrhoea, unable to move for two days food poisoning. There was only one teacher who didn't get sick. It was carnage. One of the lads I was sharing a room with threw up on my bed whilst I was in it because he couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough.
I would have felt sorry for the hotel staff who had to clean up after us, if it wasn't for the fact that they were the same bastards who poisoned us in the first place. Still, it got us out of actually having to speak any French. We spent the rest of the week pissing about at country parks and doing no work at all.
(Thu 7th Dec 2006, 13:44, More)
Food poisoning.
On our second year high-school French trip the entire party of about 100 or so kids and teachers got food poisoning, full-on vomiting everywhere, raging diarrhoea, unable to move for two days food poisoning. There was only one teacher who didn't get sick. It was carnage. One of the lads I was sharing a room with threw up on my bed whilst I was in it because he couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough.
I would have felt sorry for the hotel staff who had to clean up after us, if it wasn't for the fact that they were the same bastards who poisoned us in the first place. Still, it got us out of actually having to speak any French. We spent the rest of the week pissing about at country parks and doing no work at all.
(Thu 7th Dec 2006, 13:44, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
The condition of being significantly more drunk than everyone else and finding funny things that your more sober companions find unamusing or even offensive.
"We must have been a bit wykey cos we were giggling at jokes about dead people but nobody else was laughing."
"George always gets a bit wykey after a few pints, ignore him."
(Thu 3rd May 2018, 0:06, More)
The condition of being significantly more drunk than everyone else and finding funny things that your more sober companions find unamusing or even offensive.
"We must have been a bit wykey cos we were giggling at jokes about dead people but nobody else was laughing."
"George always gets a bit wykey after a few pints, ignore him."
(Thu 3rd May 2018, 0:06, More)
» Walkman Flashbacks
Orbital's 'In Sides'
instantly takes me back to playing Descent (the first one) over and over again. I feel like I should strafe about watching for flying mining robots Gone Bad whenever I hear it.
(Fri 25th Mar 2005, 16:57, More)
Orbital's 'In Sides'
instantly takes me back to playing Descent (the first one) over and over again. I feel like I should strafe about watching for flying mining robots Gone Bad whenever I hear it.
(Fri 25th Mar 2005, 16:57, More)
» Have you ever been rude to a celebrity?
A friend of mine
once smacked Shane McGowan in the face.
It was an accident, and Shane didn't seem to mind much. He just said "Sorry" to my friend, and wobbled off into the distance whilst we stood around gawping.
(Thu 15th Apr 2004, 13:06, More)
A friend of mine
once smacked Shane McGowan in the face.
It was an accident, and Shane didn't seem to mind much. He just said "Sorry" to my friend, and wobbled off into the distance whilst we stood around gawping.
(Thu 15th Apr 2004, 13:06, More)