b3ta.com user sadako
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Profile for sadako:
Profile Info:

I live in sunny Brighton, UK

graduated Sussex Uni a few years ago, Philosophy degree.

Now work for a commercial bank, a logical next step after my degree ;)

Generally arse about and enjoy b3ta amongst others.

Check out my moves: http://ninja.rossh.com/
This time I are mainly been posting thisum:

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Dad Jokes

My Dad is Down with the Kids
My go: my dad, bless him, tries to use 'cool' slang words to make him more ‘down with the kids’. The most recent word he picked and used in front of my whole family and my girlfriend (who was meeting them for the first time) was...... 'BONAR'.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with this term, it's schoolboy slang for erection. By some godforsaken process of reasoning he thought it meant good, excellent, cool.

Unfortunately I had forgotten to order a hole in the ground to swallow me at that point in time....
(Thu 11th Dec 2003, 11:43, More)