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» Pet Names
pet names
two goldfish called Victor (both called Victor as I can't tell them apart) - beacuse every three seconds they meet each other again for the first time and say "I don't believe it, there's another fish in here!"
a cat called Guinness (brought up in a pub) - mostly black with white on the top of her head. she lost a leg to a fox and is now mostly called Tripod.
a cat called Gregory - when my baby brother was due, my nan insisted he be called Gregory. my parents really didn't like the name (sorry to all Gregorys out there) so they bought a cat, named it Gregory and told my nan "oh dear, we can't have two Gregorys in the house..."
(Thu 26th Feb 2004, 12:40, More)
pet names
two goldfish called Victor (both called Victor as I can't tell them apart) - beacuse every three seconds they meet each other again for the first time and say "I don't believe it, there's another fish in here!"
a cat called Guinness (brought up in a pub) - mostly black with white on the top of her head. she lost a leg to a fox and is now mostly called Tripod.
a cat called Gregory - when my baby brother was due, my nan insisted he be called Gregory. my parents really didn't like the name (sorry to all Gregorys out there) so they bought a cat, named it Gregory and told my nan "oh dear, we can't have two Gregorys in the house..."
(Thu 26th Feb 2004, 12:40, More)