b3ta.com user Phalanges-Phil
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» Childhood bad taste

Back in my baby days...
...Before Velcro suits were invented, I had a pair of purple and maroon striped polyester pyjamas that displayed amazing adhesive qualities. Things would just stick to it all the time. In many ways they were ahead of there time.
They also carried an impressive electrical charge too as I remember. Sparks would fly as I cuddled my parents goodnight.
But the worst thing about these pyjamas, was the physical act of putting them on. Those little bits of peeling skin round your finger nails would always catch on the inside of the sleeve as your mingers went down. Bloody hurt it did!
(Mon 13th Dec 2004, 14:29, More)

» Local Nutters

The bloke who lives oppersite me...
...loves nothing more than to serenaded the whole street, by singing along to his favourite show tunes, using only one vocal note. (B Flat diminished, I believe it is) It doesn't matter what the tune is, he will blast it out in his uniquely mono toned way, pausing only briefly to gulp for air.
How we love him.
(Thu 16th Sep 2004, 15:56, More)