b3ta.com user B3atMessiah
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Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» That's when I knew it was over...

It was time to shitcan the bitch when.......
She proclaimed in her best "poor little me" voice that "My daddy once had to work shifts to make ends meet", now I'm no class warrior by any stretch of the imagination but coming from a working class family in the north of England it was clearly unacceptable to belm this at me in a bar, cue me finishing my pint, going for a piss and not coming back!
(Fri 22nd Jul 2005, 9:57, More)

» People with Stupid Names

I worked in a call centre many moons ago
... and spoke to a Mr M Brown - Tunnel (No Sh1t [Sorry]) there were regulations about getting the customers name into a conversation three times, I managed it about 33 times! My mate also spoke to a guy called Mr Ramjam Funkyboogaloo Smythe I googled for him and found him! I haven't dared tried googling for Mr Brown - Tunnel I'm not sure I could bear the Goatsesque images!
(Fri 27th Aug 2004, 0:19, More)

» Best Comebacks

During a particularly heated....
telephone conversation with an ex girlfriend made some mentally ill monosylabic comment about yours truly. Smooth as an eel swimming in a bucket of swarfega I replied evilly "I should have listed to people when they told me about you" at which point there was a long silence and then the phone went down. When last seen she was eating gravel and talking to herself! Heh heh heh
(Thu 29th Apr 2004, 21:48, More)