b3ta.com user BabyLoaf
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» Worst Record Ever

I've got two
Clocks by Coldplay. That bastard whiner (sorry, singer) up front pisses me off to the max. Coldplay in general piss me off - they wanna-be Radiohead and aren't even good at it ("singin...")
Also, in me attic I found the most bizarre thing - a vinyl copy of some Super Mario Land record. What?? 'Also featuring MC Mario' or whatever. This record makes absolutely no sense anyway.
(Thu 4th Dec 2003, 15:08, More)

» Irrational Fears

Poor person 'The Schnitzel of Karate'
You poor sod! (terrified of badgers).
Someone should put you on Weebl's most famous video just to see what happens.

Not just to sound hard, but I'm not really scared, per se of anything because I've no problem with dying whatsoever. Heights can be a bit disorientating, and bugs put the shits up me though.
I don't like mirrors either - I don't like thinking there's some complete other world on the other side.

Imagine a world of lefties? shudder...
(Tue 27th Jan 2004, 16:00, More)