b3ta.com user The Badger King
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» The last thing that made me cry

I seldom cry.
It’s not a thing that I find easy to do. However I do remember the last time I shed a tear. Twas the summer time and everyone was out having a good time, enjoying the fine weather and such. At the time my friends and I were enjoying a few quiet beers in our local beer garden while watching the ladies do the whole summer clothing thing. Dave turned to me and said his rabbit had died earlier that day. At first I thought it was quite funny but as my beer haze started to clear and I felt the cold sobering truth fill me up. I realised that no longer would I enjoy sneaking into Dave’s garden at the crack of dawn and having my way with his beautiful rabbit. I held back the sorrow and pain till I got home, where I finally broke down in dismay. I now sneak into my mate Sue’s house and bugger her chinchilla instead. Funny how life goes on even through the worst of times.
(Fri 15th Apr 2005, 17:44, More)

» Lost...

I loose my pen almost every day.
I’m spending a bloody fortune on the buggers. There’s probably a mountain somewhere made up of my pens. Think this could be a challenge for the mighty Sir Richard Branston
(Sat 4th Dec 2004, 0:17, More)