Profile for monofiopia:
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- a member for 21 years, 5 months and 24 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Irrational Fears
Stag Beetles....
since a very young age i have had a recurring fear of one landing on my head and then not letting go of my hair....
(Wed 28th Jan 2004, 10:03, More)
Stag Beetles....
since a very young age i have had a recurring fear of one landing on my head and then not letting go of my hair....
(Wed 28th Jan 2004, 10:03, More)
» Clients Are Stupid
My IT teachers were worse than any client....
my best mate in high school had a naturally good ability with computers and so was constantly blamed [and punished] for anything that ever went wrong by the heavily underqualified IT staff...
the best ones were 'deleting a server' [fuck knows how they thought that one up], and 'removing hard drive system files onto his net user space' [despite all the hard drives being read-only]...he ended up leaving at the first available opportunity...don't blame him really.
i'm sure we learnt more from playing quake [those were the days] than we ever did from those retards...
(Wed 31st Dec 2003, 2:34, More)
My IT teachers were worse than any client....
my best mate in high school had a naturally good ability with computers and so was constantly blamed [and punished] for anything that ever went wrong by the heavily underqualified IT staff...
the best ones were 'deleting a server' [fuck knows how they thought that one up], and 'removing hard drive system files onto his net user space' [despite all the hard drives being read-only]...he ended up leaving at the first available opportunity...don't blame him really.
i'm sure we learnt more from playing quake [those were the days] than we ever did from those retards...
(Wed 31st Dec 2003, 2:34, More)