Profile for EvilNoodle:
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- a member for 21 years, 6 months and 8 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» My Christmas Nightmare
i was a bit ill for a few months before xmas but didnt do anything cos im a silly sod. i decided to go the doctors a few day before christmas day for a blood test but i was so white and crazy looking they sent me to hospital where i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.
i spent a week in hospital having randomds put cameras into me and being given random drugs to tey an make me better.
they gave me a little botle of mark and spencers aftershave cream as a pressie which was niec.
meh, im drunk, sorry.
bye d bye
(Fri 24th Dec 2004, 0:07, More)
i was a bit ill for a few months before xmas but didnt do anything cos im a silly sod. i decided to go the doctors a few day before christmas day for a blood test but i was so white and crazy looking they sent me to hospital where i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.
i spent a week in hospital having randomds put cameras into me and being given random drugs to tey an make me better.
they gave me a little botle of mark and spencers aftershave cream as a pressie which was niec.
meh, im drunk, sorry.
bye d bye
(Fri 24th Dec 2004, 0:07, More)
» Essential Items
i make sure i always have my......
monkeyphone when i go out
e.g Money, Key, Phone
or monkeyphone zipod
Money, Key, Phone, Zippo, iPod.
saddo, yes.
(Sun 30th Oct 2005, 1:00, More)
i make sure i always have my......
monkeyphone when i go out
e.g Money, Key, Phone
or monkeyphone zipod
Money, Key, Phone, Zippo, iPod.
saddo, yes.
(Sun 30th Oct 2005, 1:00, More)