b3ta.com user visigoth
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"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?"

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Best answers to questions:

» Lies Your Parents Told You

My dad is so weird...
he once told me that all the ladies in red dresses in that RobertPalmer (Addicted to Love) video were all men dressed as women. I believed him! and for years any time that video came on I would say "you know those women are actually men?" and look all smug with myself for knowing something other ppl didn't know.

Another funny thing my Dad did - when my parents first got married (30years ago) he wanted to bring my Mam to the GreyHound Racing for the evening, for the laugh like, she had never been before, so on the way there she asks "How do they get the dogs to race one another?" and my dad replied "Just like in horse racing, except the jocky is a small monkey."

Of course, she believed him.
(Sat 17th Jan 2004, 10:25, More)

» Clients Are Stupid

I was a stupid client... ish...
Before packing myself off to useless college to do I.T, at about the age of 15 I decided it was time to upgrade my p.c

Software wise back then I was grand, knew what I was doing with WIN95, Dos, and all that. I was o.k with hardware, capable of installing new cards and blahdy blah blah

So I get this free Pentium Chip from my mate, and I'm like YEAH! rockin! So I take the damm p.c apart, remove the motherboard and place the new chip on it.

I put the p.c back together, and switch it on.

Nothing happens.

The screen is blank.

No error message. No nothing.

Except the hauntingly disturbing scent of smoke.

(Wed 31st Dec 2003, 10:09, More)

» People with Stupid Names

My next door neighbour was Annette Ball. I never got how funny that was until she moved away. I think I was a slow child, really.
(Sun 29th Aug 2004, 16:50, More)