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» Slang Survey
Neologisms every second!
The linguistic term for 'new word' is neologism and I am hearing more and more of them every day! People are abbreviating words and phrases (the newest one is 'Shuuupyea?' - in place of 'Shut up yeah?') So, if you're looking for new slang just change long euphuistic phrases into one sentence like
(Tue 3rd Feb 2004, 21:33, More)
Neologisms every second!
The linguistic term for 'new word' is neologism and I am hearing more and more of them every day! People are abbreviating words and phrases (the newest one is 'Shuuupyea?' - in place of 'Shut up yeah?') So, if you're looking for new slang just change long euphuistic phrases into one sentence like
(Tue 3rd Feb 2004, 21:33, More)