Profile for maximcondor:
yes i know its shit,
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yes i know its shit,

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» Shit Stories
My friend once did a rather fine turd (even colour, good shape) the only distiguishing feature was that he had shat out a wasp, it was well imbedded in the cack, it was not a case of the wasp being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he had definately cacked it out. He was more than a little freaked out.
A different friend had to face his next door neighbours after a party at his dads house:
Neighbour: can you clear some shit off our lawn left by your mates.
Friend: How do you know its not your dogs
Neighbour: Dogs dont wipe their arse with tescos till receipts...
(Thu 6th May 2004, 8:49, More)
My friend once did a rather fine turd (even colour, good shape) the only distiguishing feature was that he had shat out a wasp, it was well imbedded in the cack, it was not a case of the wasp being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he had definately cacked it out. He was more than a little freaked out.
A different friend had to face his next door neighbours after a party at his dads house:
Neighbour: can you clear some shit off our lawn left by your mates.
Friend: How do you know its not your dogs
Neighbour: Dogs dont wipe their arse with tescos till receipts...
(Thu 6th May 2004, 8:49, More)
» Ripped Off
Daily rip off
i work for Price Drop tv, my life is based around ripping idiots daily.
(Mon 19th Feb 2007, 16:42, More)
Daily rip off
i work for Price Drop tv, my life is based around ripping idiots daily.
(Mon 19th Feb 2007, 16:42, More)