Profile for Lord of the Beans:
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 21 years, 3 months and 23 days
- has posted 877 messages on the main board
- (of which 3 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 13 messages on the talk board
- has posted 1 messages on the links board
- has posted 5 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 29 pictures, 2 links, 1 talk posts, and 6 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:

it is coal if you cant tell
edit: A FP!!!! Thank you all! Woooooooooooo
(Sat 20th Dec 2003, 11:39, More)

it is coal if you cant tell
edit: A FP!!!! Thank you all! Woooooooooooo
(Sat 20th Dec 2003, 11:39, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Lies I told on my CV
I can speak
fluent french, japanese and swahili.
That's what got me my job, and I've been here 8 months and not even had to pretend.
(Mon 10th Jul 2006, 19:40, More)
I can speak
fluent french, japanese and swahili.
That's what got me my job, and I've been here 8 months and not even had to pretend.
(Mon 10th Jul 2006, 19:40, More)
» Worst Nicknames Ever
My second name is Cox
Therefore, I was coxless.
Although I didn't really need a nickname, with my middle name being richard as well. My parents did most of the work for them really.
(Thu 18th May 2006, 22:38, More)
My second name is Cox
Therefore, I was coxless.
Although I didn't really need a nickname, with my middle name being richard as well. My parents did most of the work for them really.
(Thu 18th May 2006, 22:38, More)
» Useless Information
The Barnacle
It has a penis more than seven times the length of its body. When mating, it just whips it out and lets it flail around for the nearest other barnacle.
Lucky thing.
(Thu 17th Mar 2005, 18:44, More)
The Barnacle
It has a penis more than seven times the length of its body. When mating, it just whips it out and lets it flail around for the nearest other barnacle.
Lucky thing.
(Thu 17th Mar 2005, 18:44, More)
» Childhood bad taste
I bought
a Hanson single, as my first ever CD.
But it wasn't the song everyone liked at the time, it was the one after it, which makes it oh so much worse.
And I still have it on my CD rack to this day, pulsating with bad taste.
(Fri 10th Dec 2004, 15:35, More)
I bought
a Hanson single, as my first ever CD.
But it wasn't the song everyone liked at the time, it was the one after it, which makes it oh so much worse.
And I still have it on my CD rack to this day, pulsating with bad taste.
(Fri 10th Dec 2004, 15:35, More)
» Best Comebacks
May have been said
but the 'yo mamma' jokes had taken a rise in popularity and someone spewed a load at me with his mates. while the jokes were quite funny, I cant stand the bastard, so I kept a straight face and waited until he finished, then replied.
'My Mam is dead'
and walked off
Oh yeah I also once saw a street performer shout at a bunch of charvers bothering him,
"yeah, yeah, welcome to puberty!" which shut them up (because a crowd of about 150 burst out laughing at them)
(Fri 30th Apr 2004, 16:29, More)
May have been said
but the 'yo mamma' jokes had taken a rise in popularity and someone spewed a load at me with his mates. while the jokes were quite funny, I cant stand the bastard, so I kept a straight face and waited until he finished, then replied.
'My Mam is dead'
and walked off
Oh yeah I also once saw a street performer shout at a bunch of charvers bothering him,
"yeah, yeah, welcome to puberty!" which shut them up (because a crowd of about 150 burst out laughing at them)
(Fri 30th Apr 2004, 16:29, More)