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- a member for 21 years, 4 months and 23 days
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» Famous people I hate
Anti Nazi League.
So which 'Nazi' people are they raging about these days? The real ones are all dead so that means that they are all raging against nobody. Distinct lack of washing and predominantly populated by crusty juggler types.
Their demo's against the BNP seem to be self defeating by dressing up in all the gear that makes them alienate themselves against the average member of the public who see them as some kind of hard core lefties that love to sponge off society. Look chaps, the 1970's were a very long time ago and standing around a brazier whilst waving a flimsy cardboard slogan looks, well, crap. Even the Tories look slicker these days.
(Thu 4th Feb 2010, 20:01, More)
Anti Nazi League.
So which 'Nazi' people are they raging about these days? The real ones are all dead so that means that they are all raging against nobody. Distinct lack of washing and predominantly populated by crusty juggler types.
Their demo's against the BNP seem to be self defeating by dressing up in all the gear that makes them alienate themselves against the average member of the public who see them as some kind of hard core lefties that love to sponge off society. Look chaps, the 1970's were a very long time ago and standing around a brazier whilst waving a flimsy cardboard slogan looks, well, crap. Even the Tories look slicker these days.
(Thu 4th Feb 2010, 20:01, More)
» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?
I almost crashed seeing this one...
...wavy lines...back in 2004 driving down a dual carriageway in Doha, Qatar. Some Indian/Pakastani bloke tries to cross the road, almost makes it but some local nutter in a white Landcruiser undertakes me and hits this poor bloke full on at high speed.
There is a huge red spray of blood in the air and the remains of the bloke spiral through the air, ugh.
I'm swerving all over the place and when I eventually stop these locals in the Landcruiser didn't even stop, they just drove off.
(Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 21:59, More)
I almost crashed seeing this one...
...wavy lines...back in 2004 driving down a dual carriageway in Doha, Qatar. Some Indian/Pakastani bloke tries to cross the road, almost makes it but some local nutter in a white Landcruiser undertakes me and hits this poor bloke full on at high speed.
There is a huge red spray of blood in the air and the remains of the bloke spiral through the air, ugh.
I'm swerving all over the place and when I eventually stop these locals in the Landcruiser didn't even stop, they just drove off.
(Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 21:59, More)
» Picky Eaters
Trev's nuts
This bloke called Trev will only eat peanuts after he has wiped them on his nuts, the dirty bastard...
(Thu 8th Mar 2007, 11:37, More)
Trev's nuts
This bloke called Trev will only eat peanuts after he has wiped them on his nuts, the dirty bastard...
(Thu 8th Mar 2007, 11:37, More)