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» Worst Record Ever
Ay ay ay ay moosay
by Modern Romance. Some record company executive clearly thought that a bunch of twunts who dressed "a bit new romantic" and a novelty song was a potent combination. Played bloody everywhere in my early teens and still haunts me now. I apologise for rekindling memories in anyone who remembers this atrocity.
As if this wasn't bad enough, the trumpet player went on to write the theme song for One Foot in the Grave.
(Thu 4th Dec 2003, 8:01, More)
Ay ay ay ay moosay
by Modern Romance. Some record company executive clearly thought that a bunch of twunts who dressed "a bit new romantic" and a novelty song was a potent combination. Played bloody everywhere in my early teens and still haunts me now. I apologise for rekindling memories in anyone who remembers this atrocity.
As if this wasn't bad enough, the trumpet player went on to write the theme song for One Foot in the Grave.
(Thu 4th Dec 2003, 8:01, More)