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» Strange things you've been paid to do
job experience requested...
I once worked as a telemarketer and had a list that was a copy from the phone book to work from. I was selling dinner theater tickets and the job sucked. Anyway, I was working my way down the list and came to an odd name that I had to call. I rang the number and a woman answered. I said, "Hello Mrs. Death, is Mr. Death there?" and I fell out laughing, hung up the phone and walked out. I think I was making $3.25 an hour.
I also spent a week shoveling incredible amounts of pigeon poo out of a water cooling tower. 18 years later I am still incredibly sensitive to the smell of bird shiet...makes me barf.
(Thu 30th Sep 2004, 16:07, More)
job experience requested...
I once worked as a telemarketer and had a list that was a copy from the phone book to work from. I was selling dinner theater tickets and the job sucked. Anyway, I was working my way down the list and came to an odd name that I had to call. I rang the number and a woman answered. I said, "Hello Mrs. Death, is Mr. Death there?" and I fell out laughing, hung up the phone and walked out. I think I was making $3.25 an hour.
I also spent a week shoveling incredible amounts of pigeon poo out of a water cooling tower. 18 years later I am still incredibly sensitive to the smell of bird shiet...makes me barf.
(Thu 30th Sep 2004, 16:07, More)