b3ta.com user Weebl lover
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» Dad Jokes

Oh this is a good one.....(I know its not a joke)
My dad has this cardigan some random light brown (or it used to be) hes had it ever since i can remember.

When I was young my mum went outside and put it in the bin and then chatted with her friend. He came out, went into the bin, put it back on and wandered back into the house. They just thought 'what the fcuk.....

Hes still got it, he wears it during dinner, when he has to move stuff from the kitchen to the dinner table, he puts a bottle of red sauce in one pocket and brown sauce in the other and walks around with kitchen utensils in the pockets.

Its been washed about once. It has holes in the underarms, apparently its to let the smell out.

He was going to give it to my brother on his 21st but decided he couldn't part with it.

Hes great!
(Fri 12th Dec 2003, 13:01, More)