b3ta.com user gothictigger
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» Pet Names

Guinea Pig and Snake..
Had a small and, for some reason, very nervous guinea pig called BBQ... It did not help by my continually pointing at it and shouting "BBQ THE GUINEA PIG!".

I also had a snake called microwave who was a lot more chilled as he could not hear me :)

Once you have a naming convention stick with it I reckon :) If I ever have kids (and I bloody hope not) I think social services will intervene... :P
(Thu 26th Feb 2004, 8:46, More)

» Worst Record Ever

Can I also add to the pile of songs that should be eternally damned...
Loving You by Minnie Ripperton or who ever it was.. yes that one with the high pitched squeal in it...

Reason : I have heard it.
(Wed 3rd Dec 2003, 13:42, More)