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» Worst Record Ever
Star Trekkin' - By The Furm
First post, hello all.
Star Trekkin' - worst record ever. Not because of the lyrics, which even today I still find mildly amusing.
No this happened because in my first year of secondary school I made the stupidly fatal mistake of admitting that I watched Star Trek. And I only said it in passing.
Cue every single person in my year deciding that it would be funny to sign me that song every single time one of them got bored(often!) or every time I approached.
I fucking hate that song. And it's a shame because I once liked it. Dammit.
(Wed 3rd Dec 2003, 19:28, More)
Star Trekkin' - By The Furm
First post, hello all.
Star Trekkin' - worst record ever. Not because of the lyrics, which even today I still find mildly amusing.
No this happened because in my first year of secondary school I made the stupidly fatal mistake of admitting that I watched Star Trek. And I only said it in passing.
Cue every single person in my year deciding that it would be funny to sign me that song every single time one of them got bored(often!) or every time I approached.
I fucking hate that song. And it's a shame because I once liked it. Dammit.
(Wed 3rd Dec 2003, 19:28, More)