Profile for terrorbite:
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- a member for 21 years, 3 months and 18 days
- has posted 140 messages on the main board
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- has posted 3 stories and 5 replies on question of the week
- They liked 49 pictures, 4 links, 0 talk posts, and 89 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Not a photogenic puppy

This is my first attempt at a proper picture.
Edit: Omg first FP! Thank you!
(Sun 18th Jan 2004, 21:26, More)

This is my first attempt at a proper picture.
Edit: Omg first FP! Thank you!
(Sun 18th Jan 2004, 21:26, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Not Losing Your Virginity
Damn you Bacon Fries
I was in the pub with some friends, enjoying a packet of Bacon Fries. After finishing them, I proceeded to cover my nose and mouth with the bag and breathe in and out, inhaling the bacony goodness. A girl came over and asked if I hyperventilated, because she did. Had I been sober, I would've realised this was her attempting to chat me up. As it was, I laughed at her and told her I just enjoyed sniffing crisp packets.
She went back over to her table and started to cry, presumably because she'd made a fool of herself. What made it worse was that she looked over and for some reason I gave her a thumbs up. She sheepishly gave me one back while fighting back the tears.
Good times.
(Sun 29th Oct 2006, 20:35, More)
Damn you Bacon Fries
I was in the pub with some friends, enjoying a packet of Bacon Fries. After finishing them, I proceeded to cover my nose and mouth with the bag and breathe in and out, inhaling the bacony goodness. A girl came over and asked if I hyperventilated, because she did. Had I been sober, I would've realised this was her attempting to chat me up. As it was, I laughed at her and told her I just enjoyed sniffing crisp packets.
She went back over to her table and started to cry, presumably because she'd made a fool of herself. What made it worse was that she looked over and for some reason I gave her a thumbs up. She sheepishly gave me one back while fighting back the tears.
Good times.
(Sun 29th Oct 2006, 20:35, More)
» Phobias
Ice and insects
Shivers down my spine? The sound of scraping ice.
Make me run out of a room screaming like a girl? Moths and daddy-long-legs (aka crane flies). I'm slowly overcoming my mothophobia (I can just about deal with small ones), but daddy-long-legs are the spawn of satan and should all die.
Do you know if you catch one (not that I'd get within 100 metres) in your hands, their legs fall off? *shudder*
Edit: Oh, also the thought of chewing tin foil.
(Thu 10th Apr 2008, 14:28, More)
Ice and insects
Shivers down my spine? The sound of scraping ice.
Make me run out of a room screaming like a girl? Moths and daddy-long-legs (aka crane flies). I'm slowly overcoming my mothophobia (I can just about deal with small ones), but daddy-long-legs are the spawn of satan and should all die.
Do you know if you catch one (not that I'd get within 100 metres) in your hands, their legs fall off? *shudder*
Edit: Oh, also the thought of chewing tin foil.
(Thu 10th Apr 2008, 14:28, More)
» Irrational Hatred
Martine McCutcheon
(Sun 3rd Apr 2011, 16:06, More)
Martine McCutcheon
(Sun 3rd Apr 2011, 16:06, More)