b3ta.com user Senator_Kenator
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» Local Nutters

Not really a nutter, but an interesting man.
While waiting for the schoolbus to arrive every morning for middle school, a large, sweaty man with a buzz-cut and slick looking sunglasses would pass by every day in his rusty, old, white SUV. The vehicle was equipped with an intercom that he used everytime he saw us waiting at the corner.

He would slow the car down and say phrases like: "Hey kids, waiting for the bus, alright, great, awesome, have a fun day."

Or: "Another school day, fantastic, that's fabulous, keep up the grades kids."

Sometimes: "What's up students? Wonderful, wonderful. The bus'll come soon. Be sure to get your homework done."

One day saying: "How's it going? That's great. Remember, don't be fool, school is cool."

One day, a menacing looking sophmore flipped him off. He continued to drive by, but never again did he give us the mundane encouragement.
(Fri 17th Sep 2004, 22:40, More)