b3ta.com user Matt entices small rodents with cheese.
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Profile for Matt entices small rodents with cheese.:
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Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Pure Ignorance

I honestly thought tuna was made out of dolphin *shame*

The 'dolphin friendly' on the tins only reaffirmed my idea, as i thought the dolphins were killed humanely... I became a laughing stock in my family when they found out I thought this.
I am doing a degree.
(Wed 12th Jan 2005, 0:36, More)

» Claims to Fame

One of my friends from home has just signed for Crewe for 170,000 pounds! I am worth jack shit. Ah, life.
(Wed 2nd Mar 2005, 19:47, More)

» Useless Information

In 1471, a chicken in Basel, Switzerland, was accused of being 'a devil in disguise' after laying a brightly colored egg. The chicken stood trial, was found guilty and burned at the stake.
(Sun 20th Mar 2005, 15:37, More)

» Walkman Flashbacks

Around the World
Is by Daft Punk.

Oh, everytime I hear a Matthew Sweet song it makes me want to tie boulders to my ex girlfriends ankles and throw her off a pier for the piranhas to feast. Not bitter. Maybe
(Sun 27th Mar 2005, 3:44, More)

» Clients Are Stupid

I liked...
When i worked at HMV, A man once asked me what Steven Seagal DVDs we had. He ended up not only buying every Steven Seagal DVD we had, but also ordered every one we could possibly order! It made me laugh, i spent two hours helping him find them all and order them, i never felt so proud.

Also... Congratulations to every idiot that had the following conversation with me

ME: Hello, can i help you?
Them: Yeah, have you got the new lord of the rings film on DVD?
Me: Sure, we have The Two Towers on DVD, 4 dvd set and 5 dvd set...
Them: No i want the new one.
Me: Uh,, that is the new one?
Them: No, the new one!
Me: *Confused*... uh... The Return of the King?
Them: Yeah that one.
Me: Well it's not actually been released in the cinema yet.
Them: So you haven't got it in yet?
Me: No.
Them: Will you have any in soon?
Me: About six months.

At this point most of the customers accepted this fact, one person actually asked to see the manager about it because they didn't believe me, and one person walked off in a very loud huff complaining about the customer service!! What do they want? I nearly said...

Me:The new one? Yes!! I've got fourty illegal copies shipped in from Hong Kong today! I can sell you a copy but i'd have to give your information to the police if i sold u one.

Idiots. All of them.
(Fri 2nd Jan 2004, 23:00, More)
[read all their answers]